Friday, January 7, 2011

Hello Lorne 2011

Finally we visited Lorne in this new year. It took a while and a lot of exercises on my part to be ready for this day, but it was all worthwhile. I survived the long trip without making a single stop (we were going to but were in the wrong lane to make an exit). Once there we came to realise that everyone is on holidays and we had been inside for so long. We parked the car and walked to see the beach. The sea was very flat and the beach looked a bit crowded. We went straight to the beach bar and had some chips, which to my dismay were awful. The restaurant that used to be there sort of expanded towards the other side and another bar opened up with food that is not so tasty. We thought we were ordering the restaurant's chips but we were in fact ordering chips from the bar. Anyway after that we went for a walk to see the shops. We walked, looked at stuff, bought some thongs for Anton, had a latte and got changed into more appropriate beach attire. We went to the beach and I sat on a wooden bench that seemed to be there just waiting for me. Anton went swimming and Ric and I just sat there contemplating how lucky I was to be able to be there. I soaked it all in, the sand, the sea, the beach noises, the fresh air. After a big rest there, Ric and I went for a walk along the beach and that was when I felt like I had just touched the sky. My feet left the rubbery feeling of new Havaianas to touch the warm, soft, golden sand. It felt so good I wanted to freeze that moment forever. I walked towards the ocean until I finally felt the cool water covering both my feet in swirls of sand and salty foam. I stood there letting my feet sink in until I couldn't see them anymore. Then took them out and did it again, and again and again! We walked along the beach for a while whilst Anton swam in the same direction. We met further ahead and decided that they will play frisbee and I will take some photos, so we did.

Finalmente fuimos a Lorne por primera vez en el 2011. Costo bastante especialmente muchos ejercicios de mi parte para estar lista para este dia, pero valio la pena. Sobrevivi el viaje sin parar ni una vez. Cuando llegamos nos dimos cuenta de que todo el mundo esta de vacaciones y nos hizo dar cuenta del encierro en el que estuvimos estas ultimas semanas. Estacionamos y fuimos a ver el mar, estaba re chato y la playa se veia bastante congestionada. Fuimos directamente al bar y pedimos papas fritas, que por desgracia eran feisimas. Lo que paso es que el restaurant de la playa se extendio. Para un lado sigue siendo restaurant, para el otro se hizo bar y se le agrego otro lugar que hace comida y nosotros nos equivocamos y fuimos al lado del bar. De ahi nos fuimos a caminar por los negocios, miramos cosas, compramos ojotas para Anton, tomamos un capuccino y de ahi nos fuimos a cambiar con ropa de playa. Fuimos a la playa y yo me sente a descansar en un banco de madera con Ricky mientras Anton se fue a nadar. Con Ricky contemplamos que afortunada que soy de estar tan bien para haber podido ir. Lo re disfrute y absorvi todo, el aire, la arena, el mar, el sol y hasta los ruidos de la playa. Despues de un gran descanso Ricky y yo fuimos a caminar por la playa y ahi fue cuando me senti como si hubiera tocado el cielo. Mi pies dejaron de sentir la goma de mis nuevas Havaianas para sentir la arena suave y calida. Me senti tan bien que queria congelar ese momento para siempre. Camine hasta el mar hasta que senti el agua fria cubriendo mis pies en remolinos de arena y agua. Me quede parada ahi hasta que mis pies se enterraron completamente, despues los saque y lo hice de vuelta y de vuelta. Caminamos por la orilla del mar por un buen rato mientras Anton nadaba en la misma direccion. Nos encontramos mas adelante y decidimos que ellos iban a jugar al frisbee y yo a sacar fotos, asique lo hicimos.

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