Monday, April 30, 2012

A very sad weekend

A very sad weekend with the passing of my sister's dog Brisa, a female Golden Retriever (wanna be, like I used to joke, as she wasn't a pure breed).She was cute and playful and a bit crazy, but she loved my sister and her family and I loved her for that. She will be sadly missed. Today on The Animals Day in Argentina I want to wish her peace and rest wherever her soul is. I will miss you Brichi. My heart aches for all the animals in the world that don't have a home, wild or otherwise. I hope that more people become aware of how sacred life is, not matter what species.

Un fin de semana muy triste con la muerte de la perrita de mi hermana Brisa, una Golden Retriever (wanna be, como yo le solia decir con carino). Brisa era simpatica, juguetona y un poquito loquita, pero amaba a mi hermana y a su familia y por eso yo la amaba a ella tambien. Brisa sera tristemente extranada. Hoy en el dia de los animales en Argentina quiero deserale paz y descanso donde sea que su alma este. Te voy a extranar Brichi. Mi corazon duele por todos los animales en el mundo que no tienen un hogar, salvajes o no. Espero que mas gente se de cuenta que tan sagrada y valiosa la vida es, no importa cual sea la especie.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Enjoying Autumn to the Last Leaf

How amazing are the colours in the streets? I never tire of admiring April's light falling on the leaves. The fiery sights are inspirational. I am so grateful that this year we have had a long and sunny autumn, sometimes beautiful moments like these are so short-lived that we have to remember to enjoy them or they'll be gone before we know it. I have enjoyed this autumn very much. Thanks Nature!

Que increibles son los colores en las calles! Nunca me canso de admirar la luz Abrilena tocando suavemente las hojas. Los paisajes encendidos son inspiracionales. Estoy tan agradecida que este ano tuvimos un otono tan largo y soleado, a veces duran tan poco que hay que acordarse que estan ahi para disfrutarlos antes de que desaparezcan. Este ano disfrute mucho este otono y por eso te doy las gracias Naturaleza!

Haircut and curls

When I had my last haircut the hairdresser curled all my hair. I loved it, but that is something I can never do myself on my own hair, so it was worthy of a photo.

Cuando me corte el pelo la ultima vez mi peluquera me enrulo todo el pelo. Me ancanto pero es algo que yo no puedo hacer yo sola en mi propio pelo, asique fue digno de una foto.

Ultima foto

In Lorne we did the usual as well as going for another bushwalk to the Ereskine Falls track. We were so tired, I could barely move my legs and every step hurt, but it was still enjoyable pushing the limits and seeing beautiful ferns and moss covering the humid tree trunks. We walked for almost 3 hours and then headed back to Lorne to have an icecream and to enjoy the last few hours there. This was the last photo I took as the sun was setting, the last rays illuminated the white boat in the distance, the rest was in shadow.

En Lorne hicimos lo de costumbre y ademas fuimos a hacer otra caminata por el camino de las Ereskine Falls. Estaba tan cansada que apenas podia mover mis piernas y cada paso era doloroso, pero estaba bueno empujar los limites y ver los helechos y el musgo cubrir los humedos troncos. Caminamos por 3 horas y despues volvimos al pueblo para tomar un helado y disfrutar las ulimas horas ahi. Esta fue la ultima foto que saque mientras el sol se ponia, los ultimos rayitos iluminaron el bote blanco en la distancia, el resto ya estaba en las sombras.


These views on the coastline are simply breathtaking. We stopped at a lookout, I wish I remember the name of this particular one, there was a sign there with the story of a prisoner in old days Australia, I can't remember his name either. Apparently he escaped prison and headed this way walking without knowing where he was going, just as far as possible from the jail. He got here and saw this. Can you imagine after being locked up, seeing this? The plaque also said that in winter, he found this place inhospitable and he was cold and hungry therefore we headed back. Crazy.

Estas vistas de la costa simplemente te sacan el aire. Paramos un en un obserador, no me acuerdo el nombre, habia una placa ahi con la historia de un prisionero de la vieja Australia, no me acuerdo su nombre tampoco. El tipo se escapo de la carcel y empezo a caminar, camino y camino por semanas para irse lo mas lejos posible de la carcel hasta llegar aca. Cuando llego aca vio esto quedo con la boca abierta. Pero despues de pasar el verano y cuando llego el invierno, se murio de frio y de hambre y decidio volver. Que loco no? Volver a la carcel despues de estar en un lugar asi? 

Wye River

Early in the morning we drove a little further on the Great Ocean Road towards a place called Wye River. We had been there before on our way back from 12 Apostols. There is this one and only general store that has the best atmosphere and really nice freshly baked donuts, like I never tasted before. The memory of that place always haunted us... "One day we will go back", we always said. We finally did! The place has now expanded, like capitalism demands, but it still maintains its charm and its excellent service. Across the road the Wye river meets the beach. We had breakfast then took some photos, walked around in the Holiday Park to see what the vibe was, but realised that this park, even though it's beautiful it doesn't go with us. It's more family with little kids oriented. We got back in the car and drove back towards Lorne to spend the last day there.

Temprano a la manana manejamos un poco mas por la Ruta Oceanica hacia un lugar llamado Wye River. Ya habiamos pasado un vez por ahi cuando volviamos de los 12 Apostoles. Ahi hay un unico cafe y negocio que tiene una atmosfera agradable y hacen unas donuts frescas y espectaculares, como nunca he probado antes. La memoria de ese lugar siempre nos seguia.."Un dia vamos a volver", y asi fue. El lugar se ha agrandado ahora, como lo demanda el capitalismo, pero aun mantiene su encanto y su suervicio exelente. Del otro lado de la ruta el rio Wye se encuentra con el mar. Desayunamos, sacamos algunas fotos y fuimos a recorrer el camping de ahi para ver que onda. El camping es hermoso pero no va con nosotros, porque tiene una onda para familias con chicos chiquitos. Volvimos al auto y emprendimos la vuelta hacia Lorne, para pasar el utlimo dia ahi.

The last day of the holidays

How nice is Cumberland River Holiday Park! Peaceful, quiet and with spectacular surroundings.
Our cabin overlooked the river and the rock wall. At night you could look up and see the clear sky with the billions of stars above. The rock wall looked like a terrifying black hole swallowing the stars and nebulae from that point forward.

Que lindo que es el camping Cumberland River! Pacifico, tranquilo y con alrededores espectaculares. Nuestra cabanita miraba el rio y la pared rocosa. De noche mirabas para arriba y podias ver el cielo con billones de estrellas. La sombra de la pared rocosa daba impresion, parecia que el cielo terminaba y el agujero negro se tragaba las estrellas y nebulas de alrededor.

Efectos de la erosion

Me encantan los disenos raros y las formas que la roca va tomando dia tras dia de ser golpeada por las olas.

I love the designs that the rock takes day after day from being knocked by the power of the waves.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

After getting up the next morning we went for a walk to the beach, just on the other side of the road. Anton tried building a rock bridge so that I could cross without getting my feet wet, but it didn't work, so I took my shoes and socks off and crossed the river walking, getting my legs wet. Then we walked on the rocks for a while, taking note of the weird formations and the effect of the erosion on the surface.

Despues de levantarnos al otro dia fuimos a la playa del otro lado de la ruta. Anton trato de construir un puente de piedras para que yo cruce el pequeno rio sin mojarme las zapatillas, pero no funciono y al final me tuve que descalzar. Cruce del otro lado mojandome los pies y despues caminamos por las rocas por un rato observando las raras formaciones rocosas y los efectos de la erosion sobre la superficie.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

A Great Escape

What a great way to end the school holidays. We booked a cabin and had a break at Cumberland River (on the Great Ocean Road) and spent the majority of the days bush-walking. Our first stop after unloading was to do the Sheoak Falls walk. It took us a little more than 3 and 1/2 hours to see the falls, the cave and a little more of the area. It was a beautiful but very steep walk. It left me laughing at everything out of tiredness and sore all around. It was an awesome place to photograph. This is the first instalment.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I enjoyed the afternoon by walking around Fitzroy and finding some interesting things to photograph.My poor old camera is hanging on to dear life. Considering buying a new one, but thinking it through cause the one I want is too expensive. Perhaps I should try to monetise some of my images to partly pay for the camera without feeling guilty, but how? No very business inclined myself, so its hard. Maybe I just start saving for it.

Me entretuve esta tarde caminando por Fitzroy y encontrando cosas interesantes para fotografiar. Mi pobre vieja camera esta aferrandose a la vida misma. Estoy considerando comprar una nueva pero la que quiero es muy cara.. Tal vez deberia monetizar algunas de mis imagenes para que al menos me cubra parte de la camera asi no me siento culpable, pero como? No soy una mujer de negocios, asique se me hace dificil. Lo mejor es emepezar a ahorrar.

Big Lemon Pie on Good Friday

And I thought everything was closed on Good Friday...lucky I went out for a walk cause I got to end it with a big slice of lemon pie and cappuccino. Nice meringue too. If anyone knows a good recipe for meringue please share.

Y yo que pense que todo estaba cerrado en viernes santo...menos mal que sali a caminar porque termine la caminata con una porcion gigante de lemon pie y un cappuccino. Que buen merengue tambien. Si alguien sabe una buena receta de merengue por favor compartanla!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Jasper Coffee

Love the patio decor at Jasper Cafe on Brunswick Street, Fitzroy. The aroma of coffee welcomes you from the moment you walk in. The patio at the back is seldom occupied, my guess is not many people know it exists, and it feels so separated from the constant hustle and bustle of the shop. For lovers of coffee this is one of the best I have tasted and it is always a pleasure to sit outside in the patio to enjoy it. We bought Blend 8 to take home, we love the way the house smells when we blend it. Its taste is not bitter and it has the perfect weight. We were there on Tuesday.

Me encanta el decorado del patio de Jasper Cafe en Brunswick Street, Fitzroy. El aroma a cafe te da la bienvenida desde el momento en que pones pie en el negocio. El patio atras casi nunca esta ocupado, pienso que no mucha gente debe saber que existe y se siente tan separado del ruido del negocio. Para amantes del cafe, este es uno de los que mejor sabe y es siempre un placer sentarse afuera en el patio a disfrutarlo. Compramos Mezcla 8 para llevar a casa, nos encanta como aromatiza la casa cuando lo molemos. El sabor no es amargo y tiene un peso perfecto. Estuvimos ahi el Martes.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

April Lights

It was the end of Daylight Saving time today and as we walked our typical long Sunday walk to the city I noticed the difference in light quality. I am a bit of an Autumn fanatic, not only because of the trees changing colour but also because the sunlight softens and casts beautiful warm colours on everything it touches. It is the perfect time for photography without having to get up at ridiculous times in the morning to see something similar at any other time of the year.
As we approached the city it was very dark and it feels so weird, as it was only a week ago that the sun was still high up in the sky emitting hot rays. The city was much more desolated too despite being the first days of the school holidays.

Hoy termino el horario de verano y mientras hicimos nuestra tipica larga caminata a la ciudad note la diferencia en la calidad de la luz. Yo soy un poco fanatica del otono, no solo porque los arboles cambian de color y se caen las hojas, sino porque el sol se suaviza e ilumina de colores calidos todo lo que toca. Es la epoca perfecta para fotografia sin tener que levantarse a horas ridiculas de la manana para ver algo similar en cualquier otro momento del ano. Al acercarnos la la ciudad estaba re oscuro y era tan raro que solo una semana atras el sol todavia estaba alto en el cielo y calentaba un monton a la misma hora. La cuidad estaba mucho mas desolada a pesar de ser los primeros dias de las vacaciones escolares.