Monday, November 29, 2010

Sunset in Melbourne

Amazing sunset in the city of four seasons in one day. My husband pointed out how beautiful the sky looked. It just reminded me of Jupiter and made me think that if I was a being that could survive in a gaseous environment I would love to look at skies like these from the inside of of the giant planet.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Vidito

Poor Ric, waited all week for the weekend to eat his bbq and celebrate his birthday and what did we get? Rain, wind and cold. We all crowded under the gazebo, rugged up and still had the yummy food. The only really bad thing was enduring the smoke into our eyes as the wind pushed it our way. What a weird Summer we are having. Temperatures rise during the week to unbearable humidity levels, mosquitoes roam everywhere and suddenly on the weekend there's a wind change and we get days like today: Winter-like.
I am not complaining since I really hate hot weather, especially humid hot weather if I am not laying down at a beach somewhere smelling the ocean and hearing the waves crushing. Not that I am going to get a lot of that this Summer unfortunately as my total hip replacement operation was finally scheduled to occur in two weeks.

Pobre vidito, espero toda la semana por el fin de semana para comer un asadito y celebrar el cumpleanos y que paso? LLuvia, viento y frio. Todos nos amontonamos abajo del quincho, nos abrigamos y asi y todo hicimos y comimos el asado. Lo unico malo fue aguantarse el humo en los ojos cada vez que el viento decidia soplar para nuestro lado. Que verano rarisimo que estamos teniendo. La temperatura sube durante la semana, a veces hasta niveles inaguantalbes sumandole la atipica humedad. Los mosquitos estan por todos lados y de pronto el fin de semana el viento cambia y tenemos dias como hoy: Inviernales.
No es que me quejo. Realmente yo odio el calor a menos que este tirada en la playa oliendo el oceano y escuahando las olas romper. No que este verano voy a disfrutar mucho de esto ya que finalmente mi operacion esta fechada para el 13 de Diciembre...solo en dos semanas.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Veggie Patch

What a lovely day it was today. Perfect in every sense. We enjoyed a day of gardening and outdoor life. Had some nice conversations in the gazebo and planned next weekend's bbq for Ricardo's birthday. Our veggies are growing and this week is going to be very hot, so it was worth enjoying the cool breeze of today.
We also went for a coffee to a nice chocolate place in Balwyn and sat next to a gardenia that smelled beautiful.
Even though I had to finish the day ironing two baskets of clothes and yelling to Oliverio (my cat) for braking my mirror...I enjoyed this Sunday a lot.

Que lindo dia hoy. Perfecto en todo sentido. La pasamos en el jardin y disfrutando el fondo. Tomamos mate y conversamos en el quincho y planeamos el asado del fin de semana que viene para el cumpleanos de Ricky. Nuestros vegetales estan creciendo y esta semana va a ser calurosa, asique estuvo bueno disfrutar de la brisa fresca de hoy.
Tambien salimos a tomar un cafe a una chocolateria re linda en Balwyn y nos sentamos al lado de un jazmin que tenia un perfume hermoso.
Aunque el dia termino con dos pilas de ropa para planchar y tuve que retar a Oliverio por romperme un espejo....disfrute mucho este Domingo.

The end of another era

I was completely unprepared for the feelings I felt on my son's Valedictory Assembly last Friday.
As we were sitting there waiting for the proceedings to start and watching the Graduation DVD, I felt sorry that the class of 2010 was leaving Doncaster Secondary College and had nothing nice to greet them goodbye. All the school had to show was a pitiful collection of horrible photos, half of them with mobile phone quality and completely unflattering. Non to mention that my son was only on one of them. I felt embarrassed that the event was so poorly prepared. Maybe is because I am so involved in grade 6 Graduation and we do so much for our grade 6's I felt like secondary students deserve much more.

El viernes fue la ceremonia de Graduacion de mi hijo y me di cuenta que no estaba bien preparada para los sentimientos que evoco. Tal vez porque las diferentes etapas fueron transcurriendo de a poco, la culminacion de las clases, los examenes... fue como que la ceremonia llego de golpe y sin demasiada preparacion.
Mientras estabamos sentados ahi esperando que comenzara y mirando un DVD, me dio lastima que la clase de 2010 terminara y lo unico que el colegio tuvo para mostrar fue una coleccion pesima de fotos, la mayoria sacadas con calidad de telefono mobil y en la que solamente 1/3 de los alumnos estaban representados. Me dio como verguenza que el evento estuviera tan mal preparado. Tal vez porque al yo estar involucrada en la graduacion de los chicos de 6to grado y con todo lo que hacemos para ellos, creo que chicos de la secundaria merecen mas.

The thing is that when the English teacher read her speech it really touched me. She gave the students some advice and the one that stuck with me and thought was very valuable was this: She said: "people tell you to do everything in moderation, I tell you don't. Passion is what makes you reach higher and further, doing things in moderation only leads to mediocrity and a mediocre life. Take some risks." I thought that was something. I could feel the tears welding in my eyes and in a flash I saw my son's last 6 years go by so quickly. It is now time to start something new and I hope it starts brightly.

La cuestion es que cuando la profesora de Ingles leyo su discurso, realmente me toco. Les dio 3 consejos a los alumos y uno de ellos me parecio tan valioso. Les dijo: " todos dicen que hagas todo con moderacion, pero yo les digo NO, hagan las cosas con pasion, porque con pasion es como se llega mas lejos, hacer todo con moderacion solo conduce a la mediocridad y a una vida mediocre. Yo les digo que tomen riesgos..." Me encanto eso. Ahi se me llenaron los ojos de lagrimas y en un flash vi pasar los ultimos 6 anos. Ahora es hora de empezar algo nuevo y espero que empiece brillantemente.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Veggie Patch

It's so nice to be connected with nature in this way again. I haven't done it in a long time and I am enjoying it greatly. We have planted lettuce, basil, tomatoes (cherry and normal), cucumber, eggplant, parsley and hopefully our "zapallito" seeds will sprout. It's so nice to see the plants develop and become strong. My potted plants are also looking healthy, now that I have the time to dedicate to them, and the garden is bursting with flowers. I will take pictures regularly to show the growth of my veggies.

Es tan lindo estar conectada con la naturaleza de esta manera otra vez. No lo hago desde hace mucho tiempo y lo estoy disfrutando mucho. Plantamos lechuga, albaca, tomates, pepinos, berengenas, perejil y tenemos esperanzas que las semillas de zapallito salgan. Es re lindo ver las plantas desarrollar y ponerse fuertes. My plantas en macetas tambien estan luciendo saludables, gracias a que ahora tengo tiempo de prestarles un poquito de atencion y el jardin esta explotando de flores. Voy a sacar fotos regularmente para mostrar como crecen las verduritas.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Cold November

Cold November.Tomorrow is the Melbourne Cup again. If I am not mistaken I started this blog on a Melbourne Cup day 2 years ago. It is amazing how much of my life is here now. I always knew it was important to keep a journal, cause our brains really hold so little, but it was too hard trying to write "the slow way" (handwriting) and I never lasted more than a couple of weeks. I know now that keeping this blog has been such a good decision and it has been a great journey in many ways. It has helped me with my focus, my writing, my photography, my IT skills and more importantly my memories.

Noviembre frio. Manana es la "Melbourne Cup". Si no me equivoco empece este blog hace dos anos en la Melburne Cup. Es increible cuanto de mi vida esta aca. Siempre supe que era importante mantener un diario, porque el cerebro realmente puede guardar tan poco, pero siempre me resulto dificil escribir "de forma lenta" (a mano) y nunca dure mas de un par de semanas. Ahora se que mantener este blog fue una decision buenisima y un trayecto positivo en tantos aspectos. Me ayudo con mi foco, mi escritura, my fotografia, mis habilidades con la computadora pero mas importante, me ayudo a retener memorias y a recordar momentos.