Sunday, May 31, 2009

I see the light

Finally I started to see the light, after so many weekends inside studying. Today I really needed to go out. Went to see if I could find a replacement top for the one I stained with bleach on Friday. I hated it so much. But I didn't really find anything that looked like what I wanted. Ric bought me a different top, nice colour. Had a coffee and walked around for a while. It was cold. I am looking forward to ride my bike again next weekend.

Hoy sali a pasear un poco a ver la luz que hace tanto no veo de estar encerrada estudiando. Hacia mucho frio. Fui a ver si conseguia un pullover como el que me manche con lavandina el viernes, pero no consegui nada similar. Ricky me compro un top que es muy lindo y tomamos un capuccino. NO veo la hora de salir a andar en bici el proximo weekend.
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A week or more without posting anything, such is my life, no time to even scratch an itch!. I took this self protrait on Friday at work, in the classroom, just before morning tea. I wasn't feeling very well, sorethroat and headache...I ended going home earlier. Not that it helped me much, but at least I couched it in the afternoon, took some cold and flu meds and ended up feeling a little better on Saturday. I guess I must be greatful since I used all Saturday to finish my last assignment for the semester. It was a long and tedious one, but is now nearly finished. All I have to do now is the reference page and some last minute spell check and such. Nearly there!! Can't wait to have nothing to do!

Esta es un autoretrato tomado en el aula mientras los chicos estaban en la clase de musica, el viernes pasado. Me sentia mal asique me vine a casa temprano. El sabado me senti mejor y pude terminar mi ultimo final de la facultad. Que alivio que voy a sentir el martes a la noche cuando este ensobrado y listo para viajar a Tasmania.
Patrick si traducis esto sabras que no te menti el viernes.
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Sunday, May 24, 2009

Pobre Vidito

Hey here I am again, another boring and tedious weekend with lots of study to do. Last weekend Ricky spent all Sunday doing this. What is it? It's my design brief. I had to create a design brief and then engage with it as a student. Only my student was Ricky and he had to design a re-usable take-away container for the new school canteen's healthy menu. He did a great job!! Thank you vidi!

This weekend I worked on my other assignment for my unit "Early Childhood Education". I hated it, it was a power point presentation on an observation carried out of 2 different students. It was so boring having to type word by word what was said and done....I really don't want to do that again! I did enjoy the analysing of the recording process. Anyway in the meantime a Park Ranger knock on my door to get into my backyard to try catch a tail-less cat! The cat was injured and hid under my house so he trapped it there until he got a cage-trap, came back and set it up. 5 minutes later the cat was caught! He was so scared. I felt really bad. The ranger said he was going to take it to the vet, hope he didn't lie!
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Thursday, May 21, 2009

Me hice la rata

Hello a todos!
Hoy me quede en casa...que lindo! En vez de levantarme a las 5:45 me levante a las 8:00, lleve a Anton al colegio y volvi a estudiar. La verdad hubiera estado mejor volver y no hacer nada, pero mi motivo para faltar fue quedarme a completar mi trabajo final de una de las materias que estoy haciendo: Literacy ( traduccion: Alfabetismo??).  Concentrandome y tomandome solo dos breaks,  uno a las 11 y otro a la 1.30 logre terminarlo (2000 palabras). Ahora me queda un trabajo mas que planeo empezar el sabado y con suerte terminar el domingo asi me queda toda la semana que viene para correcciones y mejorias...NO DOY MAS!!!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Brain Clog

From the car this is a view of one of the many roads that we often drive along. I look at it and I wish I was driving there now, somewhere non specific, but out of my own head. I have been cooked up in the house all weekend working on one of three final assignments I have for uni. I am tired, my brain is cluttered with information and is clogging. I am stressed and think that I deserve some sort of compensation for all this hard work. Two more weeks of this I have, and I don't know how I am going to feel on the other side.
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Friday, May 15, 2009

The IT pancake

Este es el pequeno panquequito que me comi para el dia de la madre. Tenia tantas nueces que apenas se ven los panqueques...era muy rico pero me cayo como una bomba.
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Sunday, May 10, 2009

Dia de la Madre

Bueno escribo este rapidito porque ya son las 10 pm del domingo y estamos por cenar recien ahora. Una cosa muy argentina no? Hoy fue el dia de la madre y cuando me levante Anton me habia preparado el desayuno. Hasta salio a robar rosas de jardines vecinos para decorar la mesa. Re lindo! De regalo tuve un par de zapatillas re lindas y muy girly (pink and silver). Despues salimos a ver si me conseguian mi perfume favorito, pero no tuvimos suerte. A eso de las 5.30 fuimos al Pancake Parlour a tomar un cafe y a comer unos panqueques (breadwhatwhat) sensasionales. Manana veo si subo una foto para que vean, otra que maple syrup! y despues fuimos al cine a ver la pelicula nueva de Star Trek, que estuvo exelente. Tambien voy a postear en la semana sobre ella. Bueno a comer!
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Sunday, May 3, 2009

Autumn at its fullest

Despite the fact that I feel really bad and had no energy whatsoever to do anything this weekend, we managed to fit in a little drive and coffee. We stopped at this street, Victoria St. in Mont Albert or Camberwell (not sure) and marvel at the amazingly beautiful Autumn view. The street stretches for at least 200m and the trees tunnel avobe covering the sky with yellow and orange leaves, leaving just enough room for a few rays of sunshine to come through. I love this street , it has a special vibe and a very warm Autumnly feeling.

Aunque este fin de semana me senti super mal, hoy salimos a dar una vuelta en auto y paramos en esta calle para apreciar esta hermosa vista otonal. Victoria Street tiene unos 200m de largo, los arboles forman un tunel de hojas amarillas y naranjas que solo dejan espacio suficiente para que pasen algunos rayos de sol. Me encanta esta calle, tiene una onda muy especial y una sensacion totalmente otonal.
El miercoles volvi de campamento y creo que me traje algun virus o tome frio bajo la lluvia y el frio del lugar. Que hermoso que es ese camping, pero que cansador que es subir esas colinas. Dos kilometros en subida cada vez que se terminaban las actividades (3 veces por dias) mas una extra caminata nocturna para ver las estrellas que cubrian el cielo. Mirar las estrellas en ese lugar era impresionante, podia divisarse la via lactea.
Del camping volvi con dolores en musculos que ni sabia que existian y con un cansancio fenomenal. Lo peor fue tener que ir a trabajar al otro dia y no poder descansar hasta el sabado. Para colmo con este resfrio horrible lo unico que quiero hacer es dormirrrrrrrrrrrrr
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