Sunday, May 31, 2009

I see the light

Finally I started to see the light, after so many weekends inside studying. Today I really needed to go out. Went to see if I could find a replacement top for the one I stained with bleach on Friday. I hated it so much. But I didn't really find anything that looked like what I wanted. Ric bought me a different top, nice colour. Had a coffee and walked around for a while. It was cold. I am looking forward to ride my bike again next weekend.

Hoy sali a pasear un poco a ver la luz que hace tanto no veo de estar encerrada estudiando. Hacia mucho frio. Fui a ver si conseguia un pullover como el que me manche con lavandina el viernes, pero no consegui nada similar. Ricky me compro un top que es muy lindo y tomamos un capuccino. NO veo la hora de salir a andar en bici el proximo weekend.
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1 comment:

vale said...

que lindo ese ponchito!