Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Getting Closer

Bueno nearly there!
Now that the food is ready we're sitting to our last dinner of 2008. It's been a great year for the Zalewskis, we went to Sydney, the boys started surfing and because of it we went to Lorne millions of times, Anton & I visited Argentina, my beautiful niece was born. We went to 12 Apostols, a trip that we wanted to do for a long time and we are being very outdoorie. Workwise was very good for both of us, Anton had a very successful year at school and I have succesfully finished another semester at uni. So before we start 2009 I want to give thanks for everything that went well for us this year and I hope we have another great, or even greater one in 09.
Para mis spaniards, que buen ano fue 2008, nuestra familia paseo por todos lados, empezando en Sydney y recorriendo la costa de Victoria surfeando. Tambien fuimos a Argentina a ver a la flia que tanto quiero y a conocer a la preciosa Simona que me lleno el alma junto con mis dos otras super cool sobrinas Indiana y Sofi. En el trabajo nos fue muy bien y en el estudio tambien. Asique agradezco al universo por darme un ano tan bueno y le pido que el proximo sea igual o porque no mejor! Un chin chin por el 2008...y los veo en 09.
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Pulpo a la Gallega

Son las 3:20 y el pulpo a la gallega ya esta listo! Abue esto es para vos! Como una manera de tenerte presente en mi fiesta.
The recepie is simple: all you need is octopus, 1 onion, oil and paprika (smoked, hot and sweet). First you need to boil some water with salt and the onion. When it is boiling you must 'scare the octopus' which is a technique used to soften the meat. All you need to do is grab the octopus head down and dip it into the boiling water without letting go, then take it out again. Do this 3 times and then finally let the octopus into the boiling water. Boil for 25 minutes and then take out and marinate with olive oil and a mixture of the paprikas...enjoy!
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New Year's Eve

Aca estamos getting ready for the celbrations. I'm going to document how we spend the last day of 2008. Here Anton is cooking a caramel slice. Te acordas Vale del caramel slice? yo recien termine de hacer un flan de condensed milk yummy.
We are listening to the Chilli Peppers...later we will probably take a trip to memory lane and listen to Whitesnake...que gracioso!
Coman, beban y festejen que otro ano se va y hay que hacer lugar para recibir al nuevo. Chichas no se olviden la bombacha rosa.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2008


Que dia! Pasamos toda la tarde tratando de dar vuelta los muebles en el living para que
quede mas espacioso. Hace tanto que me vengo imaginando diferentes arreglos, pero
ninguno me convencia. Finalmente cuando tuve que hacer lugar para Navidad sin querer
di con la combinacion adecuada y hoy oficialmente movimos las cosas que faltaban. Como se imaginaran salio polvo de todos lados y hubo que re acomodar libros, cd's, dvd's y los viejos videos...llevo unas cuantas horas pero quedo bien. Al final de esa 'mudanza' nos comimos una deliciosa cena de trucha al limon y ajo con ensalada mixta. Yummy!
After moving my whole living room around and re-arranging everything I reward myself with a delicious trout and salad dinner. Now I will relax in the couch and watch something cool. I don't know why, but arranging old things in a new way inspires me to do things. I used to do it all the time, like twice a month, but I used to have plenty of free time then. I like it cause it charges me with new energy! I will post a picture soon, although you need to know what it looked like before in order to see the changes. Anyway tomorrow is the last day of the will you spend it? I will be cooking a mini banquet for my family to enjoy on New Year's Eve and wait for 2009 to arrive.
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Monday, December 29, 2008

Visiting Andrea's House

Today we visited Andrea's house. When we arrived she wasn't home so Luca opened the door and in we came. I took some photos of myself around the house while the kids played with 'Guitar Hero'. Then Alan came to see what I was doing, because he is a really good host and I grabbed him for a photo, but the camera was on a timer and before it released the shutter the other two monsters came out of the cave and added themselves to the picture! It couldn't have worked better if I had planned it!
Andrea and I had some mates and we took Tara outside for a little walk while I stole some lemons from the tree. I love lemons!
Richard came in and we had more mates (the drink, not friends) and we had a chat and then Richard started cooking. Time to go home. Another day I'll try his cooking I wasn't feeling quite that brave today...he he he...just kidding! Also next time I'll bring my cats to see their mother and sister and see if they still get along. As Horacio said 'they have to remember their mother....come on es la madre!'
I nearly forgot: please check this link
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Sunday, December 28, 2008


Again we tripped to Melbourne City and Port Melbourne. The photo was taken at the banks of the Yarra River just before we cross the Swanston St. Bridge. It looks a lot lighter that what it actually was. You can see a few light reflections in the water. The weather was coolish, but nice. My legs are tired, time to watch something on TV with a few "mates" (the drink, not friends).

Para mis spanish speakers; hoy fuimos al Westfield shopping centre para cambiar los zapatos de Ricky y dios dios dios, que bajon el trafico! Como puede ser que todo el mundo este en ese shopping????despues de esa pesadilla, cenamos y nos fuimos en bici a la city y a Port Melbourne. La foto la saque a las orillas del Yarra. Estaba mas oscuro que lo que se ve en la foto (ya eran las 9 casi cuando estabamos ahi). Ahora me duelen las piernas y el "upite" (je je) de sentarme en la bici por tanto tiempo. Me voy a tomar unos matecitos mientras miro algo lindo en tv tal vez un episodio de "The Office". Por favor consiganlo y miernlo que esa muy bueno.
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Saturday, December 27, 2008

At the Bay

After crossing the city we headed to Port Melbourne on our bikes. The colours of the sky were awesome. Lots of magenta and yellow... pity I didn't take the SLR, but considering I only had the compact this shot is not bad. We sat at the pier for a while looking at the sea and thought that like many other places around Melbourne are left un-exploited...a good coffee shop near the pier would be so cool, we would have definitely had one!
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bajando la comida

As promised we went to the city on the bikes. Nos fuimos a las 8 pm y volvimos a las 23 hs. It was really nice riding in the night with very little traffic and city lights everywhere. Ahora llegamos nos banamos y aca estoy tipeando en mi nueva eeepc que es tan linda y chiquitita. Ahora tengo ganas de unos ricos mates! C u later...
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Friday, December 26, 2008

An Xmas tradition

Hello again
Todos los anos sacamos una foto de los tres el dia de Noche Buena. Se ha hecho una tradicion en nuestra casa.
Here it is our 2008 shot. I am looking shorter every time. Happy family.
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City Ride Collage

I just did this collage of our city ride so you can see a bit of everything we saw too. It was soooo nice.
When you click on any photo in this blog you can see a bigger version.
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he Ok. Aca esta Oliverio. I love him. Es un gatito re cheeky y super copado. Ayer salieron afuera a la tardecita para estrenar el regalo de Felipe que fue una correa nueva porque la azul que tiene Oli aca no le iba mas a Felipe ya que esta hecho un gatoto. Asique Oli como todo segundo hermanito, ahora tiene la correa ex-felipe. Los dos disfrutaron de los pastos y el aire libre. Despues entraron y se durmieron una siestaza. La chunga (Fugui) se morfo con placer su regalo Navideno y dijo que me importa a mi que me regalen una correa si yo salgo cuando se me canta.
Oli has a very cute personality and he's very playful. When he's outside he loves chasing insects. He sat for a while and tried to catch some ants that were running for their dear lives! It was really funny.
Anyway they loved Xmas, especially the wrapping presents business, however Oli drove me crazy trying to get my ribbon constantly. Looking forward to the new year.
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Here is the xmas tree

This is it!
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Have a look at my second Xmas Tree. Isn't it beautiful? I made it by finding a branch, painting it and hanging interesting decorations.

Xmas con los Zalewski

Posted by PicasaHello
Los Zalewskis han pasado una Navidad muy linda en casa con invitados. Ale paso mucho tiempo decorando la mesa con los colores Navidenos. La comida fue Un Pavo relleno, ;pata de cerdo y cordero con ensaldas de couscus, papas, arroz y verde. De postre comimos tirmisu, torta de ricota, arrollados y alfajores. Tampoco faltaron los pan dulces y las nueces.
Hoy nos vamos a andar en bici a la city para quemar alguna de las calorias ingeridas y vovler a sentirnos humanos.
Espero que hayan pasado a Merry Christmas. Love, Ale.