Sunday, July 26, 2009

Capuccino at Dusk

Hello there my fellow bloggers,

This week was weird, perhaps the news of my shoulder operation put a different flavour to the week and I slowed down, both physically and mentally. No bike ride for me yesterday. I spent all afternoon typing a blog entry for university (may post here during the week). My shoulder ached a lot yesterday and as a consequence had a crappy day. After dinner Anton drove us to have an icecream.
Today I spent my morning talking to my sisters, in laws and nieces using Skype. It's great to see them every now and then, although they may not think the same when they see me with a "I just woke up look".
Today we went for a coffee at dusk and purchase "TNG Season 3".

Que semana rara, tal vez las noticias de mi operacion le dio un sabor distinto a la semana y baje un poco el ritmo fisica y mentalmente. Ayer no pude ir a andar en bici asique pase la tarde escribiendo para la facultad. Mi hombro me delio mucho todo el dia ayer asique tuve un dia medio de mierda. Despues de cenar Anton nos llevo en el auto a tomar un helado. Essssaaa!
HOy pase la manana charlando con mis hermanas, cunados y sobrinas por Skype. Esta re bueno verlos de vez en cuando aunque ellos no deben pensar lo mismo cuando me ven con mi look "recien me levante".
HOy fuimos a tomar un cafe al atardecer y compramos la temporada 3 de TNG.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Drinking coffee under the Acacias

Today we had coffee under these Acacia trees in Camberwell. It is a really nice spot, called Chocolatte, behind Bourke Road. The place is very nice and it has nice outdoor heating. I imagine it would be really nice in Spring or Summer. They had really good cakes too, which we didn't have today. Ric also bought me this really cool ring as a present for my 40th. He wanted to buy me something more that will last in addition to the clothes he gave me on the day. I love my new ring, it's so shiny!

Hoy tomamos cafe bajo las acacias en Camberwell. Es un lugar muy lindo, me imagino que en Primavera o Verano va a ser mas lindo sentarse ahi afuera. Tambien venden tortas riquisimas pero hoy no comimos. Ricky me compro un anillo hermoso como regalo de los 40. Ya me habia dado el regalo pero me quiso comprar algo mas que quede.
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Friday, July 17, 2009

ICT in Education

Web 2.0 technologies are re-defining the way people communicate, work, study and spend their leisure time. As future teachers we need to prepare our students to be able to function in a world where all these technologies rule. It is almost ludicrous to deny the power of social networks such as MSN or Face Book or to ignore the fact that students can write more in their mobile phones that they do on their English books. Web 2.0 technologies should have a place in the classroom where students and teachers alike can utilise them to improve the means of information attainment and communication. Web 2.0 technologies break geographical barriers and deliver content in ways that are not longer linear (Abbott, 2001). The immediacy of response and information gathering make these technologies fantastic tools for collaboration. Students of today are active contributors and schools have been preparing them to think and analyse rather than to passively absorb information. Because Web 2.0 technologies go beyond the constraints of a classroom caution must be exercised and students must be constantly monitored, but aren’t we doing that yet? As the vastness of information and response that any on the Web 2.0 technologies can generate is overwhelming, it is essential also to have the necessary skills to discern between what is valuable and what is disposable. However, the main reason to include Web 2.0 in the classroom is that students are already familiar with the technology and they are engaged by it.


Abbott, C. (2001). ICT: Changing Education. London: Routledge Falmer

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Coffee at Camberwell

Goodbye Winter holidays.

Back to work tomorrow, back to study tomorrow. Goodbye free time. Coffee at Camberwell was nice, looked at some books in Borders and some DVDs at JB. Kind of uneventful but a nice way to finish the holidays. Star Trek now, season 2 with flan.
It's very scary to take your kid for a drive.

Torn Tendon

El jueves pasado Anton obtuvo su permiso para conducir mientras aprende a manejar. Que miedo!!!!! Ya salimos 3 veces a andar un poquito por las cuadras de adentro.

Not very good news...I have been enduring a shoulder pain since the end of the school term. I thought it would go away after a good 2 weeks rest, but instead it got worst, so much worst that I had to go to the doctor. He sent me to do some scans and ultrasounds and xrays and the results are not too good. I have a torn tendon the supraspinatus tendon in my shoulder has a full thickness torn. The doctor wasn't too happy about the results and he now has to refer me to a specialist. Let's just say that I do not like being in pain and my movements being restricted is not a good way to end the holidays.
Today we'll go for a coffee at Camberwell and will walk around a bit to commemorate the end of another school holiday. Tomorrow the term begins again full of things to do and things to read for uni and very little time for anything else.

El jueves anterior a mi cumpleanos abriendo una perciana en el trabajo me jodi el hombro. Me dolio pero no pense que era nada serio. Al otro dia (el dia de mis 40) me levante con un dolor de hombro que no podia ni moverlo. Pense que bajon justo hoy! parece a proposito. No le di mucha bola y pense que con dos semanas de descanso se me iba a pasar, pero no fue asi, el dolor empeoro. Tanto tanto empeoro que tuve que ir al doctor, me mando a hacer radiografias y ecografias y ayer me dio los resultados: me desgarre el tendon supraspinatus...COMO DUELE! Ahora tengo que ver a un especialista a ver que tengo que hacer para son muy buenas noticias. Sorry.
Para terminar las vacaciones hoy iremos a caminar por Camberwell y a tomar algo. El termino empieza con todo otra vez, trabajo y estudio a mil. Asique otra vez "no tiempo ni para tirarme un pedito".

Thursday, July 9, 2009

St Kilda Pier

Today we pedalled to St Kilda pier instead. A further place, a lot busier and very pretty. We had forgotten the way there so it got a little messy while crossing the traffic lights, but it was worth it. It was kind of refreshing to see a different view. We went all the way into the pier to the kiosk/cafe and had a cappuccino. Anton also had a banana cake slice. In the table behind us there was a group of friends from Spain. Their accent was really funny. While I was riding there I listened to Death Cab for Cutie and enjoyed the accompaining melodies. It sort of goes well with the passing scenery and pictures I create in my mind. I don't know if it is because of my photography interest but I always take pictures of images I see in my rides with my mind. If and when I can be bothered I stop and take it, but if not that is the way I see the world, like pictures stitched together. I can't wait for technology to invent some camera like that in my eye, so every time I like what I see I blink and voila!

Hoy fuimos al muelle de St Kilda. Mas lejos, mas gente, pero lindo. Tomamos un cappuccino (un poco fuerte) y escuchamos a unos espanoles sentados en la mesa de atras tratando de adivinar como pedir servilletas en ingles...sonaba tan gracioso el acento.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Nice Day at last

Al fin salio el sol! Desde que volvimos de viaje hasta hoy no hubo ni un dia de sol. Hoy estuvo hermoso y por eso nos fuimos a andar en bicicleta hasta Port Melbourne. Lo re disfrute el camino alla, desde casa hasta la bahia. Me gusta cruzar la city donde esta el rio con sol, todo se ve mas lindo menos mi pelo que despues de andar abajo de ese casco queda de terror.
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Sunday, July 5, 2009


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You all know how much we love Lorne and how special it is, but this time I want to show you a different view, one that you can only get if you climb to a very high part of the hill until you get to this lookout and the view is absolutelly breathtaking. It is really high! Try to stitch the three photos that come next to this to get the full view.

Ya saben cuanto nos gusta Lorne, pero esta vez quiero mostrarles esta vista, la cual esta en una parte muy alta y empinada de Lorne. Una vez arriba la vista te saca el espectacular, me dio fiaca coser las fotos pero traten de coserlas mentalmente (las 3 fotos que siguen) para obtener la panoramica.
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Wye River doughnuts

Que lindooooo lugarrr. Quiero vover!
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Wye River General Store

Wye River General Store had a beautiful log heated coffee shop with freshly baked doughnuts filled with custards. Soooo nice!
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Wye River

Este lugar nos encanto, veniamos manejando por la Ocean Road y viendo un paisaje mas lindo que el otro cuando una vuelta en el camino nos presento este lugar. Paramos para sacar unas fotos y cruzamos la ruta para tomar un cafe en el unico negocio del pueblito que se veia desde la ruta. HERMOSO LUGAR. El rio desemboca en la playa y del otro lado se ven casitas asi anidadas en la montana de eucaliptus.
The Great Ocean Road took a turn and this scene presented itself in front of our eyes. We couldn't resist but to stop and have a warm coffee and shoot some photos.
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Apollo Bay de noche

Se veia re lindo cuando volviamos de la caminata del muelle. Atardecia y las lucecitas se empezaban a encender.
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La vista desde el hotel

Esta es la vista que teniamos desde el hotel. La luz de la manana le daba un aire calido.
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Ay que lindo

Just a nice view of the boats floating in Apollo Bay pier, nice & relaxing. Que linda foto no?
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Cristal clear

Caminando por el muelle de Apollo Bay nos pusimos a mirar que cristalina que era el agua y de repente esa sombra a la derecha empezo a moverse y vimos que era una manta raya.
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Apollo Bay

I am taking way too long to finish this trip's tale, perhaps it is a psychological tool I am using to make it last is the rest of it.
Apollo Bay is a town located on the Great Ocean Road. It is really beautiful and welcoming. On one side is the beautiful blue ocean on the other there's green manicured hills. The scenery is very relaxing. The town is quite significant. There are many interesting shops along the main road and there is that special thing that we didn't find in Port Fairy. I don't know how to describe it but it is an essential ingredient that makes a place special in some way. Apollo Bay has a soul.

Apollo Bay es un pueblito situado en la Gran Ruta Oceanica. Es hermoso. Por un lado esta el mar azul, por el otro las lomas verdes. El piasaje es inductivo a la relajacion. El pueblito es chiquito pero muy lindo, tiene muchos negocios interesantes y tiene ese elemento que hace al pueblito especial, tal vez sea el 'alma'. Aca pasamos la segunda noche.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

12 Apostols

La magnificencia de estos acantilados y rocas no es perceptible en las fotos. Es importante estar ahi parado, ver y oir las olas romper contra esas rocas que parecen formar parte de un paisaje anticuado de hace milenios. Estando ahi da la impresion que en cualquier momento se va a asomar un dinosaurio entre las rocas.

This is the end part of the 12 Apostols, we never ventured past Port Campbell, so this is the first time we saw this part. It is always a mesmerasing experience being there in the presence of such magnificence.


Warnambool was the first town we stopped on our way back. Everything that Port Fairy lacked in cosmopolitalism, Warrnambool had. We parked at the back of the shops in the main road (mind you it wasn't free parking!) and walked for a block. We went into a music store and found a dvd of Jeff Buckley for $10. As Ric was paying for it I laughed my head off looking at the vast and amazing collection of Iron Maiden cd's. What a laugh! we also bought some pink lady apples and went on our merry way to find the beach. Nice, but seen better. Anton run around the beach vegetation areas and used up some of his bottled up energy.

Warrnanmbool fue la primer parada en el camino de vuelta. Todo lo que a Port Fairy le faltaba en ciudad cosmopolita, Warrnambool lo tenia. Cuadras de negocios abiertos y gente y trafico. Paramos y caminamos un poco, nos metimos en una disqueria y para nuestra sorpresa conseguimos un dvd de Jeff Buckley for $10 entre un mar de cds de Iron Maiden, que risa que me dio...muy heavy metal la onda del lugar. Tambien compramos manzanas y nos encaminamos a ver la playa. Linda pero nada especial. Anton corrio por la vegetacion playera descargando algo de su energia.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Que caminata dificil

Esto es del otro lado, despues de cruzar estas rocas caminamos todo alrededor de la playita esta por la arena y despues subimos por ese espacio de arena que se ve alla enfrente para encontrar el camino al faro.
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Arriving at the Lighthouse

Seria lindo construir una casa ahi no?

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The swift boats floated along the river.
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En Griffins Island this pond had very thick & green water. Este pantano en la isla tenia agua verdosa y viscosa.
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Photos of Port Fairy

Esta foto fue tomada en Griffins Island en Port Fairy a la cual solo se puede ir cruzando un puentecito caminando. Rodeando la isla encontramos un monton de geografia rara, como esta playita.
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