We have been back from our trip to Port Fairy for a whole day now and I miss the ocean already.
In the afterthoughts of such a trip, I have to admit that although Port Fairy didn't quite measured up to my expectations, it is still a beautiful place. I think that what put me off the most is that you couldn't see the ocean from anywhere unless you were at the beach. The apartment where we stayed was quite nice, very clean and it had electric blankets! (so nice to get in bed and feel it warm). The town was practically non-existant. One block of shops, all of them closed on Sunday when we arrived, except a couple of cafes. We ate pizza at night, the shop promised "THe best Pizza in town" only it was the ONLY pizza joint and like Ricardo said they still haven't discovered oregano in those parts...he he he. The wharf was beautiful and picturesque, lots of boats, very clean water and a nice relaxing atmosphere. Griffins Island was full of really difficult parts to walk along, but it was fun to do it to get to the lighthouse. With the morning light everything looked much nicer, however compared to the rest of the Great Ocean Road, Port Fairy is not the jewell. Also there are chipirellas there...watch out!
La luz de la manana en Port Fairy ilumino el pueblito de otra manera que el domingo que llegamos. Las casas y/o hoteles a orillas del rio se veian muy lindas y nos imaginabamos alquilar una de esas en una tarde primaveral y pesacar desde el muellecito privado o comer un asadito mientras miramos el rio. Lo que no me gusto de este pueblito fue que no se veia el mar de ningun lado, a menos que estes practicamente en la playa. El pueblo tenia una cuadra de negocios y una sola pizzeria que decia que tenia la mejor pizza del pueblo (la unica y horrible sin gusto a nada). Ricky decia que esta tan lejos de Melbourne que no conocen el oregano en Port Fairy.
Es lindo el pueblito, pero comparado al resto de la Great Ocean Road no es uno de los mejores. Lo que estuvo buenisimo fue llegar ahi por el camino de atras, llegamos en solo 4 horas! El lugar donde nos quedamos a dormir era re limpio y comodo y tenia frazada electrica!
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