Monday, April 26, 2010

I saw the light

It's so nice to have a long weekend. Three days is the ideal number of days a weekend should have. One day for the chores, one day for study or work prep, one day for full enjoyment. Not that my 3 day weekend went like that. I spend most of the three days studying and catching up with work that has been left behind. It was nice knowing that I still had more time to do the fun stuff or to take a brake and not be worried that time was running out.
Today I finally was able to say: I have some time to spare so I rode to the city. This time I rode a lot more...trying to get fitter for my tour around Tasmania he he he. We have been watching this dvd of a guy who cycled the Americas. He started in Canada and ended in Argentina. So it has inspired us to travel to Tasmania on our bikes. That is take the Spirit of Tasmania to Davenport and then on our bikes around Tassy. It is for now only a plan...but who knows...perhaps one day.
Autumn is in full bloom, it is just beautiful and colourful...I know that soon the trees will be bare and I will be so happy that I enjoyed the process. Go out there and enjoy.

Es tan lindo tener un fin de semana largo. 3 dias es el numero ideal que todo fin de semana deberia tener. Un dia para tareas domesticas, otro dia para hacer algo de trabajo o estudio y un tercer dia para disfrutar de pie a cabeza. No que eso es lo que hice este fin de semana, ya que tuve que estudiar casi sin parar los tres dias para ponerme al tanto. Pero hoy tuve tiempo para andar en bici y fui hasta la city. Hoy estacione mas lejos para empezar mi entrenamiento para el tour alrededor de je je. Estamos mirando un dvd de un escoces que viajo en bici desde Canada hasta la punta de Argentina. Asique nos inspiro para viajar a Tasmania en el bote y de Davenport recorrer Tassy en bici. Por ahora es solo un plan....pero quien sabe?
Otono esta a su pico maximo, es tan hermoso y colorido...ya se que pronto los arboles van a estar desnudos y yo voy a estar feliz de que disfrute el proceso. Salgan y disfrutenlo.
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Sunday, April 18, 2010

Sunday blues

I have got a mild case of the Sunday blues subsided by our typical Sunday coffee at Chocolatte. I'm glad I decided to make the effort and drive there. I was at home slouching from room to room feeling the hours go faster than they should and only contemplating the night falling on me like a demolition. Going out, even for an hour or two, makes a big difference. This week will be a very busy one and I feel tired already. Have some work to do preparing lessons and some study that I have decided to put aside at least for the weekend. Anyway, I am intensely happy that we are having a colourful Autumn in Melbourne. If you haven't gone out to see the trees and the beautiful soft lights, please do before all is gone. Just look at the differences in shades of oranges and red contrasting the green. The yellows come in occasionally and the brown of the dry leaves will soon cover the curbs.

Tengo un caso leve the la "tristeza dominguera" aliviada por nuestra tipica salida dominguera a tomar un cafe a Chocolatte. Estoy contenta que decidi ir y abandonar el caminar de la pieza al living contemplando la noche cayendoseme encima como una demolicion. Salir, aunque sea por una hora o dos, hace diferencia. Esta semana va ser bastante ocuapada y ya la empiezo cansada. Tengo trabajo que hacer, clases que preparar y estudio que decidi postergar por el fin de semana. En fin, estoy muy contenta que estamos teniendo un otono colorido en Melbourne. Si no salieron, haganlo. Prestenle atencion a las diferentes tonalidades de naranjas y rojos constrastando con el verde. Los amarillos se asoman ocasionalmente y los marrones de las hojas ya secas, van a llenar de a poquito los cordones. Manana me voy al colegio en bici porque va a estar templado.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oranges and Reds

Oranges and reds filled the tree canopies on my way to Camberwell today. As I drove with the bike on the back of my car the shades of Autumn colours were left behind the reach of my eyes only to be replaced by more oranges, reds and yellows as the car moved forward. The warmth of the afternoon sun seemed to envelop me in an unimaginable softness. What an ideal day to get on the bicycle and ride. I could feel the soft breeze on my arms and I could see the trees losing their leaves as they fell dry on the asphalt. I could almost see them falling in slow motion swaying from side to side as they are pulled by gravity towards the earth. The few exposed branches reach towards the sun desperately searching for warmth and light whilst the vibe of a perfect Saturday afternoon filled the air with bubbles of happiness.
We reached the city in what it seemed only a moment. People were everywhere walking, riding, running, eating and drinking. The bustle of Southbank was welcoming and the coffee smelled beautiful when they were filling our cups. On our way back the sun painted the town orange just to fit in.

Naranjas y rojos cubrian las copas de los arboles hoy en camino a Camberwell. Mientras manejaba con la bici en la parte de atras del auto, los tonos otonales iban quedando atras, solo para ser reemplazados por mas rojos, naranjas y amarillos a medida que el auto avanzaba. La calidez del sol de la tarde parecia envolverme en una suavidad inimaginable. Que dia ideal para subirse a la bicicleta y andar. Podia sentir la brisa suave en mis brazos y podia ver los arboles perdiendo sus hojas al verlas caer de a poquito secas sobre el asfalto. Casi podia verlas caer en camara lenta, moviendose de lado a lado mientras la gravedad las empuja contra la tierra. Las pocas ramas desnudas se estiran hacia el sol buscando calor y luz mientras la onda de una tarde perfecta de Sabado llenaba el aire con burbujas alegres.
Llegamos a la city en lo que parecio apenas un momento. Habia gente en todos lados, caminando, andando en bici, corriendo, comiendo y bebiendo. El ruido de Southbank fue bienvenido y el cafe olia riquisimo cuando lo servian en las tazas. En camino de vuelta el sol pinto la ciudad naranja solo para pertenecer.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Last Day

The last day of the Easter holiday brake. Sad as every last day. This photo has been taken from the parking lot behind The Well at Camberwell when the sun was setting. Tomorrow it will be an early start and a cold one it seems. Autumn is here and I love it! The colours are just amazing and beautiful. I feel like doing so many things, Autumn energises me and makes me smile.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Port Melbourne Water Front

Nice bike ride, although I coughed all the way home!

Lindo Atardecer en Melbourne

Bueno despues de dos semanas de vacaciones, finalmente el ultimo dia fui a andar en bici hasta Port Melbourne. Esta es la vista volviendo del otro lado del Yarra (rio) al atardecer. El dia estuvo bastante gris pero pesadito...medio raro. Descubrimos un lugar nuevo en Port Melbourne. Cuando llegamos al mar en vez de ir hasta el muelle como hacemos siempre doblamos para el otro lado y aparecimos en un complejo onda Water Front (vista al mar) todo muy moderno y lleno de restaurants a orillas del mar, muy lindo. Tomamos una merienda y pegamos la vuelta. La bahia esta llena de unas aguas vivas asquerosisimas...en vez de filamentos parece que tienen tentaculos gruesos como dedos de una mano (un asco). Es increible que en este lugar tan lindo no habia nadie: un viernes y de vacaciones escolares...que suerte que todavia en Melbourne no haya tanta gente para afear los lugares lindos.

Well after two weeks of lazy holidays, finally on the last day (of the week I still have Saturday and Sunday) I went to Port Melbourne on the bike. This is the view coming back home on this side of the Yarra at sunset. The day was quite gray but muggy...kind of weird. We discovered a new place in Port Melbourne. When we hit the esplanade, we turned right instead of left and we found this modern looking buildings and town house complex. The water front is full of restaurants and coffee places overlooking the sea, very pretty. We had coffees and cake and came back. The bay is filled with this disgusting jelly fish...they have like thick tentacles and are huge. Is really incredible that such a nice place, new, modern and with such a great view was nearly desserted on a Friday of the school holidays...I guess we are really lucky in Melbourne that there's not enough people yet to turn beautiful places ugly.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The Descent

The reason to talk about this movie now is because I just saw The Descent 2 and I liked it despite being a sequel. The stigma that sequels carry is usually enough to deter you to watch it, cause it is likely the movie will not fulfill your expectations and sometimes the embarrassment is enough to make you question why you liked the original too. In the case of The Descent I was pleasantly surprised. The movie, of course, had its weak spots and we don't find out anything new, but it retained some of the original tension and it was positively freaky again.
The Descent is about a group of women who go on a caving expedition and become trapped and pursued by a scary breed of predators. It is a really good scary movie to watch with all the lights off and loud sound. The movie effectively pulls you in the drama of one of the characters and just when you think you have it all figured out, the movie takes a turn into the realm of horror.
The Descent 2 is merely an investigation about what happened to these women and the horror continues. If you are a screamer, warm up your vocal chords.

La razon de recomendar esta pelicula ahora cuando salio en el 2005 es porque acabo de ver The Descent 2 (el descenso 2) y me gusto a pesar de ser una continuacion. El estigma con el que cargan las continuadas es generalmente suficiente para desalentar al publico de verlas porque es probable que no van a alcanzar las expectativas y hasta pueden llegar a ser avergonzantes al punto de hacer que el publico se cuestione porque le gusto la primera. En el caso de The Descent me sorprendio positivamente. La pelicula tiene sus puntos debiles y no descubre nada nuevo, sin embargo retiene algo de la tension original y fue positivamente aterrorizante.
The Descent se trata de un grupo de amigas que van a una expedicion en las cuevas con el proposito de ayudar a una de ellas quien ha perdido un hijo a sobrepasar el duelo. En las cuevas las mujeres se pierden y quedan atrapadas y perseguidas por una raza predadora. La pelicula es efectiva ya que hace un buen trabajo en involucrar al expectador en el drama y de pronto cuando uno piensa que ya sabe lo que pasa el genero cambia a horror. Es una muy buena pelicula para mirar con las luces apagadas, el volumen alto y 100% de concentracion.
The Descent 2 es simplemente una investigacion sobre que sucedio con esas mujeres que desaparecieron y de ahi se desenvuelve el horror. Si sos de gritar te recomiendo que precalientes tus cuerdas vocales.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Lorne Otonal

Went to Lorne yesterday, really enjoyed the drive. It was a day of coffee shops and wondering in town. The beach was cold. I still enjoyed the day.