Sunday, August 29, 2010


Well...Saturday came around finally after a long working week. I went shopping to Casa Iberica to get some Spanish goodies and like every time I go there I end up spending too much and buying things that are not on the list, especially if it is a Saturday "day of indulgence". I bought prosciutto serrano (the best prosciutto in the world), dulce de leche (made in Australia), morcilla (black pudding), quince jam, chorizo and yerba mate. Of all of that I only ate the chorizos and the black pudding on the barbecue. We hadn't had a proper asado in ages. Asado is the name of the Argentinian barbecue. Like Clive James said once jokingly "the asado originated when a cow accidentally caught fire", which made laugh a lot, because it is true. Compared with other barbecues the argentinian one is kind of gross in the sense that we eat everything from the cow, hence the joke. This time though, our barbecue was not a typical argentinian one. We didn't buy asado, we only got some american ribs and the morcilla and chorizos as well as chicken. Ric is making a "parrilla" a special grill where you can actually grill the meat the true asado must be cooked. Nonetheless the food was very nice and especially enjoyable since we haven't had a barbie in ages.

El sabado llego finalmente despues de una semana de arduo trabajo. Fui a comprar a Casa Iberica, y como siempre que voy ahi, termino gastando demasiado y comprando cosas que no estaban en la lista, especialmente si es Sabado (dia de indulgencia culinaria). Compre yerba, dulce de leche (hecho en Australia- no el mejor pero pasable), membrillo, oregano, pimenton ahumado, morcilla, chorizo colorado y chorizitos para la parrilla. De todo lo que compre comimos solamente la morcilla y el chorizo a la parrilla. Lamentablemente no consegui asado, el autentico corte estilo argentino para la parrilla. EL asado es tradicionalmente argentino y como una vez dijo Clive James en chiste, se origino cuando accidentalmente se prendio fuego una vaca, refiriendose a que en el asado argentino se comen todas las partes de la vaca. Me causo mucha gracia cuando escuche eso. Ricky esta haciendo una parrilla para poder cocinar el asado despacito como debe hacerce en vez de a fuego fuerte y rapido como se hace la carne asada en Australia. Igualmente a pesar de no tener asado, la comida estuvo riquisima y la disfrute mucho.

This weekend I had an assignment to start writing using Google documents with another student in Tasmania. It is something I don't look forward to. I don't think I like writing with another person. There's always a big part of your thoughts that you must give in order to make room for the other person's writing. I know that collaborating is a skill that is being sought after, but I still can bring myself to enjoy doing it. I am enjoying using the technology though, I think that using Google documents to write collaboratively is the best tool. It has so many uses and could be explored immensely in classrooms around the country and the world to expand students' notions of team work, collaboration and new technologies in authentic forms.

Este fin de semana tuve que empezar otro trabajo para la facultad usando Google docs, con otra estudiante que vive en Tasmania. Es algo que nunca me entusiasma hacer (trabajar en equipo), especialmente escribir con otra persona. Es muy dificil porque uno tiene que ceder gran parte de los pensamientos, las ideas, la estructura para hacer lugar para la escritura de la otra persona. Y que pasa si los estilos conflictuan? Yo se que colaboracion es una abilidad que es muy buscada hoy en dia, pero sinceramente no me gusta compartir escritura con otro. SI estoy disfrutando usar Google docs, me aprece una herramienta technologica fantastica. Tiene tantos usos y podria ser utilizada en aulas alrededor del pais y del mundo para expandir las nociones de los alumnos de trabajo en equipo, colaboracion y tecnologias nuevas en formas autenticas.

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Sunny Sunday

At last the weekend brought about a little bit of sunshine. Sunday started really nice, talking with my sister and my 2 years old niece on Skype. She is so cute and funny. I find it extremely amazing how she understands our unique way of communication. She talks to the computer and takes me with her around the house. Whatever she wants me to see she brings it to the screen and knows that I can't see what she's doing if she goes away, which demonstrates an advance stage of development (conservation property in Piaget's cognitive development). It is simply amazing, she truly is a "digital native".

Al fin el fin de semana trajo un poquito de sol. El domingo empezo lindo, hablando con mi hermana y sobrinita por Skype. Es tan linda y graciosa. Me parece totalmente increible como entiende nuestro sistema de comuncacion. Le habla a la computadora y la lleva con ella a todos lados de la casa. Lo que se le ocurre mostrarme, lo hace delante de la pantalla, claramente entendiendo que si desaparace de la pantalla yo no puedo verlo, lo cual demuestra que su desarrollo cognitivo alcanzo la propiedad de 'conservacion". Es verdaderamente sorprendente, claramente es una "nativa digital".

I really enjoyed the day. I mowed the grass and it smelled so nice. I really love the way the grass feels when it's just cut. It is really green at the moment with all the rain we had this winter. We also had a nice coffee in the afternoon just to get out of the house a little. We have had a horrible couple of weekends so it's nice to start the week feeling a little bit rejuvenated.
On another note, on Saturday it was Anton's concert. There were three ensembles playing. His was the first. They played 3 pieces, I didn't particularly like them and it seemed that the other ensembles picked weird pieces too. I always enjoy watching Anton play now I hope that the end of the year concert will have a better choice of pieces.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


The weather was shocking today in Melbourne. It was just like it used to be 20 years ago when I first arrived. Four seasons in one day, like the song says. It brought back a lot of memories from those days so long ago...I couldn't believe how far back I was thinking about. Men, 20 years ago it sounds so far. And it is. My son was only in gestation when I used to visit this area of Melbourne once a month first, then twice, then once a week until he was born one day in September. Today we were in the area again for a different reason: Melbourne University Open Day! My son is looking at his options for next year and we attended some information sessions. I am so excited for him. The best years of his life ahead of him. I was listening to a professor explaining what Biomedicine is and what it leads to and I felt a rush of emotions thinking of how precious knowledge is and how happy I am for Anton to be entering a university and learning to think critically and develop his knowledge. I wish him all the best for this year's exams and I am already very proud of him.

EL tiempo estuvo shockeante hoy en Melbourne. Estuvo como solia estar 20 anos atras cuando recien llegamos. Cuatro estaciones en un dia, como dice la cancion. Me trajo muchos recuerdos de aquellos dias hace tanto tiempo atras...No puedo creer que tan atras quedaron esos recuerdos. Veinte anos suena tan lejos. Y lo es. Mi hijo estaba solo en gestacion cuando solia recorrer esta parte de la cuidad una vez al mes inicialmente, despues 2, despues una vez por semana hasta que nacio. Hoy estuvimos por esos mismos lugares, pero con un proposito deiferente: visitar la Universidad de Melbourne. Mi hijo esta averiguando cuales son sus opciones para el ano que viene y atendimos un par de sesiones de informacion. Estoy tan contenta por Anton. Los mejores anos de su vida estan por delante. Mientras escuchaba a los profesores hablar sobre la carrera de BioMedicina me emociono pensar que tan valioso es el conocimiento y que feliz me hace saber que Anton se esta encaminando a aprender a pensar criticamente y a desarrollar su conocimiento. Le deseo lo mejor para los examenes de este ano y ya estoy muy orgullosa de el.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Seems Like a Long Time

It's been a long time since I last posted. After a week and half of enduring a cold/sore-throat/chest infection/sinus infection/cough I am determined to write a little before going to bed.
I am still not well. I am deaf from one ear and the congestion is still there. I am on my second lot of antibiotics and they don't seem to be potent enough to get rid off this miserable illness. I absolutely hate coughing.
Apart from that and a series of visits to the doctor's I have been watching movies and trying to do a bit of assignment writing.
I watched "In Bruges" for the second time and I liked it even more. In Bruges is a 2008 black comedy film, directed and written by Martin McDonagh, starring Colin Farrell and Brendan Gleeson as hit-men.
The movie has been filmed in the city of Bruges in Belgium, a beautiful and picturesque place that I now wish I could go and photograph. The story develops slowly in a series of dialogues and conversations between the two gangsters who are hiding and waiting for their boss to contact them. To say more would be to give it away. It is very entertaining, funny and the script is brilliant.
Another movie we saw last weekend before I got really sick was "Inception" with Leonardo DiCaprio and directed by Christopher Nolan. This one is a sci-fi film about dreaming and being able to control what happens in them. Loved it. A little hard to follow though. I'm sure that I miss little pieces of the puzzle along the way and due to my blocked ears (that is the day that everything started! Oh and I'm sure I had a temperature too since I wasn't interested in the popcorn or the chocolate).

Anyway some good came out of being sick and missing on school camp. I was able to do most of my assignments which otherwise I don't know how I was going to get them done. It took me a lot longer than usual. Lots of research involved and when you are not feeling well studying is not the best medicine.
Back to work tomorrow. I'll see how I go.