Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Birthday Vidito

Poor Ric, waited all week for the weekend to eat his bbq and celebrate his birthday and what did we get? Rain, wind and cold. We all crowded under the gazebo, rugged up and still had the yummy food. The only really bad thing was enduring the smoke into our eyes as the wind pushed it our way. What a weird Summer we are having. Temperatures rise during the week to unbearable humidity levels, mosquitoes roam everywhere and suddenly on the weekend there's a wind change and we get days like today: Winter-like.
I am not complaining since I really hate hot weather, especially humid hot weather if I am not laying down at a beach somewhere smelling the ocean and hearing the waves crushing. Not that I am going to get a lot of that this Summer unfortunately as my total hip replacement operation was finally scheduled to occur in two weeks.

Pobre vidito, espero toda la semana por el fin de semana para comer un asadito y celebrar el cumpleanos y que paso? LLuvia, viento y frio. Todos nos amontonamos abajo del quincho, nos abrigamos y asi y todo hicimos y comimos el asado. Lo unico malo fue aguantarse el humo en los ojos cada vez que el viento decidia soplar para nuestro lado. Que verano rarisimo que estamos teniendo. La temperatura sube durante la semana, a veces hasta niveles inaguantalbes sumandole la atipica humedad. Los mosquitos estan por todos lados y de pronto el fin de semana el viento cambia y tenemos dias como hoy: Inviernales.
No es que me quejo. Realmente yo odio el calor a menos que este tirada en la playa oliendo el oceano y escuahando las olas romper. No que este verano voy a disfrutar mucho de esto ya que finalmente mi operacion esta fechada para el 13 de Diciembre...solo en dos semanas.


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Ric! I hope you had a great day! The food looked delicious! LR

Anonymous said...

Good luck Alejandra with your hip replacement! Please remember the 6R motto "Never give up" LR.

Anonymous said...

Alejandra the cakes look great! Yum! LR.

Alejandra Zalewski said...

Thanks LR! After seeing the kids dancing to the Never Give up song last can I ever give up?

Anonymous said...

ni una berenjena in sight!!!!
o estaban camufladas...
sorry we missed the bbq,and the cakes!!!
felicidades again..

Alejandra Zalewski said...

ha ha ha!
no verengeins here! ha ha ha!