Sunday, April 8, 2012


I enjoyed the afternoon by walking around Fitzroy and finding some interesting things to photograph.My poor old camera is hanging on to dear life. Considering buying a new one, but thinking it through cause the one I want is too expensive. Perhaps I should try to monetise some of my images to partly pay for the camera without feeling guilty, but how? No very business inclined myself, so its hard. Maybe I just start saving for it.

Me entretuve esta tarde caminando por Fitzroy y encontrando cosas interesantes para fotografiar. Mi pobre vieja camera esta aferrandose a la vida misma. Estoy considerando comprar una nueva pero la que quiero es muy cara.. Tal vez deberia monetizar algunas de mis imagenes para que al menos me cubra parte de la camera asi no me siento culpable, pero como? No soy una mujer de negocios, asique se me hace dificil. Lo mejor es emepezar a ahorrar.

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