Sunday, July 7, 2013


One of the nicest things I got to do whilst being at the Garates was to visit my niece's classroom and share a story with the class. I read a book titled "Where is the Green Sheep?" I had bought this book for my niece because she is learning English at school, so I thought it would be an easy and enjoyable book for the whole class. I also showed them another book, called "There Was an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Mozzie" because it had pictures of Australia and some of the native animals. The kids were so excited and my niece was particularly happy. She helped me turned the pages and enjoyed being the "teacher's assistant". I really loved the chance to share a moment of her special classroom and I hope she enjoyed it too.

Una de las cosas mas lindas que pude hacer cuando estuve en lo de los Garates fue visitar el aula de mi sobrina y leerles un cuento. Lei un libro llamado "Donde esta la oveja verde?" Lo habia comprado para Simi porque ella esta aprendiendo Ingles en la escuela, entonces me parecio que seria facil y que los chicos lo iban a disfrutar. Tambien les mostre otro libro llamado, "Habia una viejita que se trago una mosca" porque tenia dibujos de Australia y de algunos de los animales nativos. Los chicos estaban super contentos y mi sobrina estaba particularmente feliz. Ella me ayudaba a dar vueltas las paginas y realmente disfruto siendo la "ayudante de la maestra". Realmente me encanto la oportunidad de compartir ese momento en el rinconcito especial de Simi, espero que ella lo haya disfrutado tambien!

 I love this photo, it's so sweet! Amo esta foto es tan dulce! I love you sis!

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