Monday, July 8, 2013

Last Day

Thinking about the last day with my family makes me very sad. I think that we tried to keep super busy so that nobody had time to think about how the clock was taking away our time together. I cooked some English scones, my sister made some cheese bread rolls and my brother in law made pancakes. The kitchen was full of flour, noise and dirty dishes, but we enjoyed making a mess whilst laughing and stirring pots and pans. We also stopped at my parents new apartment and drove everywhere to different kiosks so I could buy some lollies and things. How I love these photos, despite the sad memories they evoke because whilst this was happening I had my sisters, nieces, nephew, brothers in law and parents all around me and it felt like being wrapped in a warm blanket.

Pensar en el ultimo dia con mi familia me pone muy triste. Creo que nos mantuvimos super ocupados para que nadie tuviera tiempo de pensar como el reloj nos robaba tiempo juntos. Yo cocine unos scones, mi hermana hizo unos pancitos con queso y mi cunado unos panqueques. La cocina estaba llena de harina, fuido y platos sucios, pero disfrutamos haciendo ese barullo mientras nor reiamos y revolviamos bowls y sartenes. Tambien visitamos el departamento nuevo de mis padres y manejamos en busca de un kiosko donde coseguir caramelos. Como me gustan estas fotos, a pesar de que evocan un momento triste porque mientras nos sacabamos estas fotos yo estaba ahi con mis hermanas, mis sobrinos, mis cunados y mis padres y me senti como envuelta en una frazada calentita.

El departamento nuevo de mis padres. My parents new home.

In front of my house where I had a very happy childhood. En el frente de mi casa donde pase una infancia super feliz.

Eating and eating, boy o boy it was filling! Comiendo y comiendo, mamma mia, como me llene!

A typical Argentinean kiosk. Un kiosko tipico en Argentina.

With my parents. Con mis padres.

With all my nieces and nephew. Con todas mis sobrinas y mi sobrino.

With my two adorable sisters. Con mis dos hermanas adorables.

With the Siedloczek family.

With all the boys in the family. Con todos los varones de la familia.

Tifon en su pose tipica. This is Tifon, my dad's dog in his typical pose: lazy.

With my brothers in law. Con mis cunados. 

In the kitchen cooking and making a mess. En la cocina cocinando y haciendo desorden.

With the Garate family. 

With mum and sisters. Con mi mama y mis hermanas. 

All the girls in the family. Todas las chicas de la familia.

Good Bye and See you Soon. 
Adios y Hasta Prontito.

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