Saturday, July 6, 2013

At the Garates

My last few days in Argentina I spent them at my younger sister's house where I got to enjoy my two youngest nephew and niece. In this photo we can see my crazy nephew Lorenzo acting up on his high chair, probably laughing or screaming whilst my sister, Valeria, tries to serve dinner. Eze, my brother in law, had cooked dinner for us and left to play soccer. His empanadas were delicious! It was so nice to be with them, living their day to day life even if was for a short time, it gave me a snap shot of their daily routines and I got to spend quite a bit of precious time with the little ones. Thank you for having me in your home and sharing your lives with me. I love you all (even if my laundry wasn't nicely folded like at my other sister's house, he he).

Mis ultimos dias en Argentina los pase en la casa de mi hermana mas chica donde pude disfrutar a mis dos sobrinitos mas pequenos. En esta foto podemos ver la locura de mi sobrino Lorenzo, mandandose alguna en su sillita, probablemente riendose o gritando mientras my hermanita Valeria trata de servir la cena. Eze, mi cuando nos cocino la cena y se fue a jugar al futbol. Sus empanadas estaban deliciosas. Fue muy lindo estar con ellos y vivir sus dia a dia, aunque haya sido por poco tiempo, me dio una imagen de sus rutinas y ademas pude pasar tiempo de calidad con los pequenitos. Gracias por dejarme invadir su hogar y por compartir sus vidas conmigo. Los amo a todos (a pesar de que mi ropita no estaba dobladita y guardada como en la casa de mi otra hermanita, je je)

 Yummy empanadas caseritas. Creo que mi hermana hizo algun relleno. These were the yummy empanadas, I think my sister made some of the fillings.

My gorgeous niece Simona (Simi) was dressed for bed and probably giving me the "script" so that we can play together. I had to stick to what she said, word by word (Bossy boots???)

My preciosa sobrinita Simona (Simi) lista parala cama y probablemente dandome el libreto para jugar juntas. Yo TENIA que adherirme al libreto, palabra por palabra (Mandonita????)

Sofia and Indiana, my two eldest nieces, they are simply beautiful, both inside and out. I miss you!!
Sofia and Indiana, mis dos sobrinas mayores, son simplemente hermosas, por dentro y por fuera. Las extrano!!!

Well, this photo says it all, "I am naughty, crazy, loud, but so cute and irresistible!" 
Esta foto lo dice todo, "Soy kilombero, loquito, ruidoso pero tan simpatico e irresistible!"

Bettina, my older sister, and Sofi, her older daughter, don't they look exactly the same?
Bettina, mi hermana mayor y Sofia, su hija mayor, no son igualitas?

So much love going both ways! Tanto amor yendo y viniendo!!

My baby nephew looked really sweet when he just woke up, but he didn't seem to appreciate my presence in his room so early in the morning. He only wanted his mummy, cuddles and his dummy!

My sobrinito bebe era tan lindo y dulcito recien levantado, pero me parece que el no apreciaba mucho mi presencia matutina. Solo queria a su mama, abracitos y el chupete! Mi amor!!!

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