Monday, July 8, 2013

Last Night Out

Our last night out as a family was to a canteen where we ate like pigs again. I know it seems like I did a lot of eating in Argentina, the truth is that I did and I enjoyed every single bite. Just before we went out we had an express visit from my aunty Lucy and cousins Sandra and Claudia. We shared some laughs, talked a bit and then we headed off to the restaurant. It all seemed rushed now as the clock was ticking and my last few hours there were coming to an end. 

Nuestra ultima salida como familia fue a una cantina donde otra vez comimos como cerditos. Ya se que parece que comi mucho en este viaje. La verdad es que si, comi muchisimo y disfrute cada mordisco. Pero antes de salir para el restaurant tuve una visita express de mi tia Lucy y primas Claudia y Sandra. Tomamos unos mates juntas, charlamos, les motre algunas fotos de Anton y a las corridas salimos para el restaurant. Todo parecia precipitado ahora, ya que el reloj marcaba mis ultimas horas ahi.

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