Saturday, January 24, 2009

We'll always have Lorne...

I will be thinking of this place, this bench, that view next week when the hottest week of the summer so far comes to Melbourne and catches me at work. I will be thinking we'll always have Lorne.

Hoy fue el ultimo viajecito a Lorne antes de empezar el trabajo. El miercoles que viene que es mi primer dia de laburo va a hacer 39 grados, que bueno no? Y yo en vez de estar aca sentada en ese banco mirando el mar estare en el laburo y recordare que lindo que fue estar ahi hoy. Bueno me voy a dormir. Manana me espera un dia de compras.
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1 comment:

Ric said...

Please stay happy...Remember some other times when it was hot and humid and the pay was less and the people were assasins for fun and the air was poisoned and the water contaminated with'll always have Lorne and a little house across a park and a river :)