Saturday, January 10, 2009

No lo mejor de Lorne

Recien llegados de otro dia en Lorne. Que bajon por desinformados caimos en el dia de la competencia mas grande del pequeno pueblo costal, botes por todos lados, gente a montones y para colmo me encontre con dos companeras del trabajo que mucho no me banco! Para colmo se nublo, hizo frio y no habia nada nada nada de olas.
El martes vamos de nuevo, va a ser 37 grados.

Well my was not the best of Lorne. Just because we live in our own little bubble we didn't realise that today was the major event in Summer at Lorne: the pier to pub swim plus a million boats and a billion people, amongst them Mother Teresa and La Piccola! Oh God! On top of that no sun and no waves...NOT THE BEST OF LORNE!
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1 comment:

Patrick said...

Hi Alejandra,
We were at Lorne too on Saturday! We got there at about 2:30 and left at about 6pm. The traffic was a nightmare. Apparently there were about 25,000 there (normally in a non-holiday period there are about 1500 people who live there).