Mis pobres gatos estaban tambien de ultima asique cuando llego Ricky de laburar lleno la banadera y los sumergio a pesar de la pelea que pusieron. En esta foto Felipe esta super ofendido porque el piensa que asi luce ridiculo, pero por lo menos esta fresquito.
Manana nos vamos a Lorne yeah! No veo la hora, toda la semana atravese los dias con la esperanza de meterme en el mar manana asique hoy dormire mejor.
I really proved to myself today that I am not a summer creature and that I detest hot days in the city. Today was beyond hot...it was disgusting. I took a cold shower to avoid fainting and when I came out I was already sweating again. There is very little relief and this house is way too hot. My cats were really struggling so they were given a bath of cold water and they did not like it as Felipe expresses it here, but at least their core temperature dropped a bit and they were more active for a few minutes. I keep looking at weather forecasts wishing that there will be a change but there isn't one in sight.
For the last couple of days I have been watching the movie "Che, part I". I think that the movie is really bad. It takes about 30 minutes to start following what the hell is going on and another 30 to understand that while they are walking through the jungles they are gathering new farmers to join their forces. The editing is totally crap and disconnected and there are scenes that make no sense at all and add nothing to the story. Benicio del Toro looks a lot like Che, but did not really make an effort to sound argentinian and his acting is mediocre. If you have not previous knowledge of Che's story this movie is not for you, because it doesn't tell the story of the man and the why of his choice to fight in Cuba. It really makes no sense. If you are interested in Che's beginings, a much better story is "Motorcycle Diaries".