Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Los vegetales explotan

La cosecha de verduras para ensalada estuvo super ayer. Las lechugas estan que explotan como asi tambien la albahaca. Las plantas de tomate estan altisimas y los pepinos ya empezaron a dar. Es increible que distinta es la lechuga de la quinta a la compramos en la verduleria. Esta lechuga parece de papel de tierna que es y es tan rica! Lo unico que crece muy lentamente son los zapallitos...quiza este no es el clima adecuado, por otro lado las plantas de zucchini estan tan grandes que van a usurpar todo el terreno.

The harvest of veggies for our salad was fantastic yesterday. The lettuces are bursting and the basil is too. The tomato plantas are getting really tall and the cucumbers started to fruit. It's really incredible how different the lettuce is from the one you get at the shops. Our lettuce is so tender that it seems like paper and it's so tasty! The only thing that is not growing well are the "argentinian zapallitos" perhaps this is not the best climate for them. On the other hand the zucchini plants are so big that there's a risk they may take over the patch.


Anonymous said...

Well done! Great garden! LR xo

vale said...

Que divino!!!! se ve hermosa la lechuga como fresca y crujiente m mmmm