Well, mostly trash.
It is a nice feeling when one has emptied the house of trash. I have pondered about this many times. Why do I find it so difficult to get rid off things that has no use, no monetary value and no purpose? I like the feeling of a clean slate, but I live on the other side of it most of my days, cluttering every single space in the cupboards, drawers, shelves and boxes. I don't know what I have in them anymore, since most of the stuff hasn't been used or needed in a long time, but knowing that it is there must fill some emptiness in me. Occasionally when I intend to clean a cupboard I start mercilessly throwing things out, but when I start seeing very old items that had at one time or another been placed there for a reason, I become forgiving again and I tucked those things back inside. This fruitless attempt at cleaning is seldom successful, or minimally accomplished.
Today, I cut the lawn while the boys cleaned the shed and took all of what is in that photo out to the nature strip. I still have to go through the stuff inside....a much more difficult task.
Dia muy ocupado, sacamos basura grande afuera y cortamos el pasto. Me pregunto porque juntamos tantas porquerias. Cual es el proposito, el merito o la necesidad de acumular cosas que solo ocupan lugar y acumulan mugre? Me encanta como me siento cuando hago limpieza profunda y vacio espacio fisico en la casa, sin embargo vivo generalmente del otro lado, acumulando cosas en los cajones que ya ni se que tienen y cuando trato de hacer limpieza profunda me cuesta mucho deshacerme de dichas pavadas que han sido guardadas hace tiempo atras con algun motivo ya perdido...
Hay que vaciar los armarios ahora
Te re entiendo, me pasa lo mismo, acumulo cosas, que pasado el tiempo nunca se usan y no se poque siguen ahi ocupando espacio fisico. Y que lindo es poder desecharlo!
entiendo lo que te pasa yo no se como empezar tengo tantas cosas que no uso imaginate cosas de toda una vida te acordas cuando saliamos por las calles de sunshine y traiamos de todo yo todavia tengo muchas de esas cosas
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