Monday, June 8, 2009


Yesterday as we were coming home from M & H's house (thank you for a delicious dinner) we drove in front of the institute where I did my first photography course here in Australia. I haven't been in that place in years and as we passed by some memories just kicked in. I remembered my first camera a Minolta SLR completely manual bought with the savings of many months. It is still sitting in one of my drawers at home and it is still in mint condition and usable. I remembered one particular night when I had to go into the city earlier to finish shooting a roll of film (remember film?) before class and I dropped my camera denting the metal where it said Minolta. I was so devastated! I was crying and I needed to talk to someone so I found a public telephone (remember public telephones?) and I rang Ricardo. The repair cost $100!! Since then I can believe how much photorgraphy has developed. I look at that camera in this self-portrait and although it is not a supa-dupa one is just amazing and it takes quality photographs. I look back at how many years I have been involved in Photography and how much it has changed. This makes me think of when I saw the movie Blade Runner and Mr Decker put a photo in a machine and he would talk to the machine and make it change the angle or zoom into the picture to see things that didn't seem visible witn the naked eye. I have always been fascinated with that machine and with a technology that would allow me to do something like that. Like always fiction falls short to reality and today evolution has made possible things that I only dreamt of. Photography today has the same basic function that had many years ago: to communicate, but with today's technology how much more can be said.
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