Sunday, April 28, 2013


How lovely it was to spend some time with Quique and his family. Quique and I know each other since the early 80's and have seen each other with the worst or best of our looks. We all know what the fashions of the 80's were like, but to top it all off we were rockers, heavy metal enthusiasts who would not conform to the shoulder pads and fluoro tops. We wore black, torn jeans, poofy hair and studs! We had, one could say too much fun in the 80's but we forged a friendship that will last forever. Quique played drums and gave me a few of my early lessons, we had the funniest barbecues, aerobics lessons, chats, outings and a heap of laughter, often magnified for some alcohol infused parties, but we survived the 80's with flying colours. Quique, no matter how much time goes by in between our visits, we can always find each other being exactly the same friends we were all those many years ago and I love you for it!

Que lindo que fue pasar un rato con Quique y su familia. Quique y yo nos conocemos desde los 80 y nos hemos visto con el peor o el mejor de nuestros looks. Todos sabemos lo que la moda de los 80 fue, pero para colmarlo todo, nosotros eramos rockers, heavy metal fanaticos que no conformaban con las hombreras y los colores fluro. Usabamos negro, mucho negro, jeans rotos, peinados bultosos y tachas! Nos divertimos, quiza muchos puedan decir, demasiado en los 80, pero forjamos una amistad eterna. Quique tocaba la bateria y me dio alguna de mis primeras lecciones, juntos hicimos los asados mas graciosos, ejecutamos lecciones de aerobics, salidas y todo con muchisima risa, muchas veces magnificada por los efectos de fiestas infusionadas de alcohol, pero asi y todo sobrevivimos los 80 brillantemente. Quique, no importa cuanto tiempo pase entre nuestras visitas, siempre podemos encontrarnos siendo exactamente los mismos amigos que eramos todos esos anos atras y por eso te quiero tanto!

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