Sunday, April 21, 2013

First Afternoon Tea at Bettina's

On my first Sunday there I woke up with really sad news, my godmother's son passed away of a heart attack. We were simply devastated, such a young life with a newborn baby gone. We went to the funeral to pay our respects and to give my godmother a big hug. It was so, so sad. I just couldn't believe it. I felt terrible that my godmother would apologise to me for having to see me in those circumstances. I hope that Nacho is now next to his dad looking over his family who loves him so much and I hope he can rest in peace, knowing that all his family grows strength from the loving memory of him.

Mi primer domingo en Argentina me desperto con una noticia muy triste, el hijo de mi madrina fallecio repentinamente de un ataque al corazon. La noticia fue desvastadora, una vida tan joven con un bebe recien nacido, terminando asi de golpe. Fuimos al velorio para darle nuestro pesame a mi madrina y abrazarla fuerte. Fue tan pero tan triste. No podia creerlo. Mi madrina me pedia perdon por verme en esas circumstancias, la verda me hacia sentir tan mal que se disculpara. Espero que Nacho ahora este al lado de su papa cuidando desde el mas alla a su familia que tanto lo quieren y espero que descanse en paz, sabiendo que su familia toma fuerzas de los recuerdos y de su memoria.

After the funeral we went to my older sister's Bettina, who we call "Beto" for short. These photos are of that afternoon, all of us together sharing a Sunday afternoon. My parents must have been so happy to have all of us together (even though there were two missing). Here we are eating and eating. My brother in law Guillermo (the blond/good looking guy) put that box of conitos and alfajores Havanna in front of me and it was irresistible. I had to have one of each. If you only knew how just the smell of those delicious treats makes my senses tingle.

Despues del velorio nos fuimos de mi hermana Bettina, a la que llamamos "Beto". Estas fotos son de esa tarde, todos juntos compartiendo un domingo por la tarde. Mis padres habran estado tan contentos de tenernos a todos juntos (aunque faltaban dos). Aca estamos comiendo y comiendo. Mi cuando Guillermo (el rubio/ buen mozo muchacho) puso esa caja de conitos y alfajores Havanna en frente mio y fue irresistible. Me tuve que comer uno de cada uno. Si supieran como tan solo el aroma de esas golosinas deliciosas hacen vibrar mis sentidos.

Thank you family for turning such a horrible start to the day into a night of good memories.
Love you!

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