Monday, January 16, 2012


Last night Ric made some delicious Ukranian Varenikes (only that I spelled it wrong on my fridge). They are like a dampling filled with mashed potato, cheese and bacon and served with cream and melted butter...yummy!
We don't eat them very often and it probably is more of a Winter food, but since this Summer hasn't been hot and we had the time, we decided to go ahead and treat ourselves. There is an unspoken tradition between varenike makers that males do them and they must compete to see who eats the most. I was never able to eat more than 5 (if they are small). I still remember a night at my father in law's house when Ric and Ale (his brother) were competing, Ric was up to number 14 and Ale was trying to impress his girlfriend and went over his didn't end well let me tell you.

Anoche Ricky hizo unos deliciosos varenikes ucranianos (yo lo escribi mal con los imanes en la heladera). Varenikes son una especie de pasta rellena con pure, queso y panceta y servidos con crema y manteca...riquisimos!
No los comemos muy seguido y probablemente es una comida mas invernal, pero como ese verano no ha sido muy caluroso y estabamos con tiempo, decidimos hacerlos. Hay una tradicion entre los hacedores de varenikes que son los hombres los que los preparan y ellos deben competir a ver quien come mas. Yo nunca pude comer mas de 5 y si son chiquitos. Todavia recuerdo una noche en la casa de mi suegro cuando Ricky y su hermano Ale estaban compitiendo y Ricky iba por el 14 y Ale estaba tratando de impresionar a su entonces novia y se paso de su limite para ganarle a termino muy bien que digamos.

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