Friday, December 23, 2011

Tasmanian East Coast

On Friday we travelled to Hobart (which is at the South of the Island) via the East Coast and saw some stunning sights, like this one of Swansea, a small beach town. In the horizon you can see Coles Bay, Fraycinet and Wine Glass Bay. Unfortunatelly we didn't have time to visit there but it's on the list for our next visit to Tasmania.

El viernes fuimos a Hobart (la cuidad que esta al sur de la isla) via la costa este y vimos unos paisajes impresionantes como este en Swansea, un pueblo costero pequenisimo pero adorable. En el horizonte se ven la bahia de Coles, Fraycinet y la bahia de Wine Glass. Lamentablemente no tuvimos tiempo de visitar esos lugares bellisimos, pero esta en la lista para nuestra visita proxima a Tasmania.

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