Monday, December 26, 2011

Mount Wellington

Mount Wellington's summit is about 21 km from Hobart CBD and the road there is simply beautiful. From city scape to rainforest to alpine flora to glacial rock formations. The summit was enveloped in clouds and we can barely see 10 m in front, the wind up there was icy and the peace was spectacular. It was so cool to be there, nothing but the the rocky formations and nothing there above us but the sky. Below was the city and bay views, but we couldn't see it from here as the clouds covered the city like a blanket. We descended a couple of km and from there we could see the most amazing view of Hobart.

La cima del monte Wellington queda a 21 km del centro de Hobart y la ruta hasta ahi es simplemente espectacular. De ciudad pasa a selva tropical y culmina con flora alpina y formaciones rocosas de glaciares. La cima estaba envuelta en nubes y apenas podiamos ver 10 metros delante nuestro, el viento era congelado y la paz era espectacular. Estaba re bueno estar ahi arriba, nada excepto las formaciones rocosas y nada mas que el cielo hacia arriba. Abajo estaba la ciudad y la vista de la bahia, pero no se veia nada desde ahi porque las nubes cubrian todo como una frazada. Descendimos un par de km y desde ahi pudimos ver la vista mas espectacular de Hobart.

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