Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Worst Day for a Stroll in the City

I have to say that I give myself a pad on the back for venturing into the city by bus and talking a walk back to Fitzroy under the drizzle and patches of rain this afternoon. Let's say that it wasn't the best day for a long walk nor for photography, however a little rain makes the scenery different and I noticed things I would not have otherwise.
Ric and I took the 905 into the city. It is an awesome bus, stops right at the end of our street and 3 min later is in the freeway, it takes 15 min to get to the city and you are free of parking problems and traffic nerves. We got off at Swanston St and from there walked back to Brunswick St. in Fitzroy. I bought a pair of boots that I wanted and then we had a late lunch of pintxos and beer. Yummy! I really love the look of this pub. Every detail of the decor is taken care of to perfection. There is so much to look at and the ambience is great. The decor is copper/glass/old tanks look. Even the restrooms are a work of art.

Debo darme una palmadita en la espalda por aventurarme hacia la city en colectivo y caminar de vuelta hasta Fitzroy debajo de la llovizna y parches de lluvia esta tarde. Digamos que no fue el mejor dia para una caminata larga o para fotografia, sin embargo un poquito de lluvia tranforma la escena y uno termina notando cosas que no notaria de otra manera.
Ric y yo nos tomamos el 905 a la city. Es un colectivo fantastico, para en la esquina de casa y en 3 minutos esta en la autopista, tarde 15 min en total para llegar al centro y una vez ahi, te olvidas del trafico y de la preocupacion de estacionar. Nos bajamos en Swanston St. y caminamos hasta Brunswick St. in Fitroy. Me compre un par de borcegos que queria hace rato y despues nos metimos a Naked for Satan a comer un almuerzo tardio de pinxtos y cerveza. Delicioso! Me encanta este pub. Todos los detalles de la decoracion estan cuidados al detalle, tiene una onda cobre/vidrio/tanques viejos y hasta los banos tienen toda la onda.

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