Saturday, April 23, 2011

Tuesday in the city

I love the city of Melbourne. It has everything and still remains clean, safe and livable. The most recent smartest addition is this new form of public transport: bicycles. You can pay $2.50 a day, or $50 a year and use it as much as you need it as long as the trip is not longer than 30 minutes. When you are done with it you return it to any station around the city. Isn't it amazing! I feel so proud of living here, every little thing like this that I find reassures me that this is a good place to be and to grow old.

Me encanta la ciudad de Melbourne. Tiene de todo y aun permanece limpia, segura y vivible. La mas reciente adicion que encontre son estas bicicletas como nueva forma de transporte publico para viajes cortos. Pagas $2.50 por dia o $50 al ano y podes usar una bici hasta que no la necesites mas siempre y cuando los viajes no duren mas de media hora. Cuando terminas de usarla la podes devolver en cualquiera de estas estaciones en cualquier parte de la ciudad. No es increible? Me siento tan orgullosa de vivir aca. Coda cosita asi que descubro me reafirma que este es un buen lugar para estar y para envejecer.

On Tuesday afternoon, Ric and I, went to the city and ended up seeing an Arts exhibition from VCE students (students in the last year of highschool). We went in because we couldn't find anything better but, were pleasantly surprised at the high standard of the work. We spend quite a bit of time enjoying most pieces. There were photographs, paintings, drawings and mixed media. It was truly amazing the quality of these works produced by such young minds. Indeed there is talent out there! The exhibition will be on for a while if you want to check it out at the Ian Potter Gallery in Ferderation Square, its free admission.

El martes por la tarde nos fuimos con Ricky a la city y terminamos metiendonos en una exhibicion de alumnos del VCE (ultimo ano de la secundaria). Pensamos que iba a ser una pavada pero termino sorprendiendonos la calidad y el estandard de los trabajos. Habia fotografia, pintura, dibujos y otro tipo de media plastica. Me sorprendio la calidad de los trabajos producidos por chicos tan jovenes. La verdad que hay mucho talento! La exhibicion todavia sigue abierta, en la galeria Ian Potter en Federation Square, y es gratis.

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