Thursday, December 31, 2009

To end 2009

No podiamos terminar el ano sin visitar nuestro lugar favorito...el dia estuvo espectacular. Un calor barbaro, sin viento y el agua hermosa. Habia bastante gente, pero bueno era de esperar ya que es super temporada alta pero asi y todo no fue insoportable. El viaje como siempre es tan lindo que nunca siento ganas de llegar rapido. Me encanta cuando se divisa el mar por primera vez y se ve ese color turquesa tan caracteristico de la Great Ocean verlo siento una frescura inmediata aun sin tocar el agua. Estuve todo el dia con migrania lo cual no me dejo disfrutar al 100 %, pero al estar ahi todo se hace menos doloroso...en el 2010 pensamos mantener la tradicion de visitar Lorne nuestro segundo hogar (ojala pudiera ser el primero). Espero que pasen un muy lindo fin de ano y que el 2010 sea un ano generoso y saludable para todos...

We couldn't finish the year without visiting our favourite place...the day was spectacular. Hot, no wind and the water was beautiful. There were lots of people there which was predictable since it is peak season, but it wasn't intolerable at all. The trip there as always is so enjoyable that I never feel anxious to get there. I just travel content looking at the scenery out the window and thinking of ways to describe it. I love it when I can see the ocean for the first time and the turquoise colour of the water makes me feel an immediate freshness, like I've just been bathed. I had a day-long migraine that got in the way of a 100% enjoyment, however just by being there everything is easier and less painful. In 2010 we will continue our tradition to visit Lorne is, after all, our second home..if only it could be our first. I hope everyone has a nice end to the year and that 2010 will be generous and healthy for all...

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