Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tomando helado de Trampolin

Esta foto es para Bettina que se reia del helado Trampolin. Yo pedi tres gustos: chocolate, vainilla italiana y naranja sangrienta. Anton pidio 4 gustos: chocolate blanco, vainilla italiana, banana y caramelo. Estuvo rico y refrescante.
Today was icecream at Camberwell instead of coffee. Although Ric kept the tradition and had a capuccino. Nice ice cream but not the best. The place was kind of empty, obviously a lot of people went away for the long weekend, we were not as lucky.
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vale said...

Que es el helado Trampolin???

Alejandra Zalewski said...

Es una heladeria. Cuando le dije a Bettina que ibamos a ir a tomar un helado ella me pregunto si ibamos a La Veneciana y yo le dije; No a Trampolin.