No se si alguien se acuerda del famoso disco Pepsi. Yo lo recorde hoy. Fuimos a la playa de Mentone (35 minutos de casa) y estabamos jugando con Anton en el agua con un disco y recorde que cuando yo era pequena...un ano se puso de moda jugar con el disco y en la television habia una publicidad de todos chicos y chicas jugando en la playa con el disco Pepsi. No se como, calculo que el disco Pepsi vino con una botella de Pepsi que mis padres compraron con el proposito de darnos el disco y llego a mis manos el tan ansiado juguete. Por supuesto no estabamos en la playa sino en la vereda. Mi hermana y yo con nuestras amigas vecinas nos tirabamos el disco de vereda a vereda cuando de pronto paso una camioneta y para nuestra sorpresa el disco aterrizo en la parte de atras, el chofer totalmente ignorante de tal evento (o al menos es lo que nosotros pensamos) siguio su camino llevandose nuestro disco Pepsi! Que recuerdo!
Today I remembered the Pepsi Frisbee whilst playing with a frisbee down at Mentone with Anton.
When I was young in Argentina, there was this commercial that advertised the Pepsi Frisbee. Everyone was talking about it and everyone wanted it because it promised hours of fun at the beach. Anyway, my mum might have bought some Pepsi so we could have the frisbee. Pepsi was not a drink that we usually had at home and the beach was faraway. But, finally we got a Pepsi frisbee and we went outside on the sidewalk to play: my sister, a neighbour friend and me.
There we were tossing the plastic disc to one another from sidewalk to sidewalk when all of the sudden when the frisbee was in midair a ute comes by and guess what??? to our amazement and disappointment the frisbee landed on the truck. The driver was completely oblivious to the fact that a UfO landed on this truck (or so we thought) and in the blink of an eye it disappeared down the road! What a memory!
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