Friday, October 23, 2009

Saturday indulgence

Saturday has been declared the "Indulgence Day" in our family. Whatever we feel like eating, we eat.It usually involves quite a bit of preparation and hard core cooking. We start thinking and organising on Friday, we discuss what the menu will be, complete with appetizers, dessert and movie selection. Then we do the shopping and usually Saturday morning is when the cooking starts. Dessert is cooked first to allow for its refrigeration time. The house is filled with the aroma of baking, sugar and butter melting in the oven, sometimes a hint of vanilla essence can be inhaled, other times is lemon or chocolate. It's quite a sensory experience and one that I will always remember...time spent with my son rummaging through the cupboards, handing each other ingredients and taking turns to stir. It is the little things that make life special and life is full of little moments if one can stop and savor them. Sometimes the savoring comes much later, after the moment is gone, but the important thing is recognising it and re-living it. Tomorrow will be a simple menu of chicken schnitzel and chips and lemon pie for dessert. A recipe that I found on the internet a couple of weeks ago and it turned out delicious! This week will lack caramel slice because it has been a favourite for a long time and we need to take a break from it, we decided.
Every meal must be accompanied by a delicious bread. My personal favourite: Ciabbata bread from The Pines bakery (the one opposite Coles) the best ciabatta in Melbourne.

Los sabados han sido declarados dia de indulgencia en nuestra familia. Todos los viernes decidimos en el menu y lo que se nos ocurre, comemos. Generalmente eso significa mucha organisacion y trabajo de cocina, pero vale la pena. Hacemos las compras y el sabado tempranito comienza la preparacion. Generalmente empezamos cocinando el postre para darle tiempo a que se enfrie. La casa huele a panaderia: manteca y azucar uniendose en el horno, a veces uno puede inahalar un aroma a vainilla, o a limon, o a chocolate, pero la sensacion es muy sensorial y una que no voy a olvidar nunca...momentos compartidos con mi hijo buscando cacharros en la alacena, pasandonos ingredientes o tomando turnos para revolver. Son estas pequenas cosas que hacen la vida especial y la vida esta llena de momentos asi si uno puedo parar y saborearlos. A veces el sabor viene mucho mas tarde cuando el momento ya paso, pero lo importante es reconocerlo y revivirlo. Manana el menu es simple milanesas con papas fritas y lemon pie de postre. El caramel slice necesita un descanso...fue favorito por mucho tiempo y nos canso.
Lo que si, todas las comidas deben ser acompanadas por un delicioso pan. Mi favorito el ciabatta de la panaderia de The Pines, en frente al Coles. La mejor ciabatta de Melbourne vive ahi.


Patrick said...

Is this an invitation to come to your house every Saturday?

Alejandra Zalewski said...

Well...not EVERY Saturday!

vale said...

quiero ir yo tambien! que ricas cositas!