Sunday, November 13, 2011

Lorne Trip

Last weekend we took a trip to Lorne to celebrate the first hot day. It was so beautiful down there. Sitting in the sand if felt like a hot Summer day. I even had a swim in the cool but always refreshing and crystalline water. It was too cold at first, but I pushed in and tried thinking of all those assignments, late nights, online posts, Summer school, lack of sleep and with every thought I found myself deeper into the ocean, washing away all the struggle and sacrifice. After a while it didn't feel cold any more and I swayed up and down with the waves, feeling for the first time the full weight of my achievement.

El fin de semana pasado fuimos a Lorne para celebrar el primer dia caluroso. Estuvo tan lindo ahi. Sentada en la arena me senti como en un dia de verano. Incluso me meti al helado pero siempre refrescante y cristalino oceano. Estaba re frio al principio, pero igual yo perisisti. Con cada paso pensaba en todos esos trabajos que tuve que escribir, las noches tardias, los post online, universidad en verano, falta de sueno y con cada pensamiento me encontraba mas adentro del mar, lavandome de todo ese esfuerzo y sacrificio. Despues de un rato el agua no se sentia mas fria y flotaba de arriba a abajo con las olas, sientiendo por primera vez el peso real de mi logro.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The chips look yummy! LR