Recuerdo reirme por la inocencia del nino y pensar como puede uno responder semejante pregunta. Ayer caminando por la playa en la bahia, en Beaumaris, me topo con estas bolsas llenas de arena a la orilla del mar...lo primero que pense fue "quien trae toda la arena?" Pero la respuesta estaba clavada en un poste. El cartel leia: "bolsas de arena ecologicas seran instaladas en la playa para alentar el proceso de erosion..." Viste pense yo: el pibito tenia razon.
I remember years ago a little kid (I don't remember exactly who he was but I do remember the anecdote) went to the beach for the first time and suprised by the immensity of the ocean and the beach turned to his mum and innocently asked: Mum, who brings all the sand?
I remember laughing at his innocence and think how does one respond to such a question.Yesterday walking along the bay, in Beaumaris, I came across these bags filled with sand at the edge of the sea...my first thought was "who brings all the sand?" But the answer was pinned against a post. It read: "eco-sand bags will be installed in Beaumaris to stop the process of erosion..." The kid was right: someone does bring all the sand.
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