En Australia casi nadie sigue al football. Aca llaman football a "Australian Rules Football". Yo odio el footy. Es un deporte brutal y los equipos hacen cientos de goles por partido. Para mi no hay anticipacion, no hay estrategia. Son 19 jugadores corriendo como locos y saltando uno arriba del otro. Los postes estan tan separados que cualquiera que tiene una pierna pude hacer un gol y aparte los jugadores corren con la pelota en la mano. No deberia llamarse Handball? En fin, me gusta apoyar al verdadero football porque no es el deporte de las masas. Si estuviera en Argentina odiaria el mundial y me saturaria del futbol incesante, es mas, yo solia odiarlo y seguro apoyaria al Australian Rules Football.
The World Cup is here and with it comes the fever. It's funny. I never follow the football, not any other sport for that matter. I don't care about teams, players, the South American, European or Asiatic cups. I don't follow the matches. But, every 4 years, come the World Cup I get the cup fever and I follow it through. I watch matches, get up early or go to bed late to watch certain teams play, especially Argentina, Australia or Spain, but I also watch other main matches like Italy, France, Brazil, England. This year to celebrate I added a little bit of body art...only the fingernails: one hand for each country I have in my heart. If I had three hands, I would paint the third red and yellow for Spain.
In Australia hardly anybody follows the "soccer". Here, "footy" (Austrlian Rules football) is the main sport. I hate footy. It's a brutal sport and teams score hundreds of points in every match. To me there is no anticipation, no strategy...just 19 players running like crazy and jumping on top of each other...the goal posts are so far apart that anybody with a leg can score and besides they run with the ball in their hands...shouldn't that be called "handball"? Anyway I like supporting soccer (the real football) because it's not the mass' sport. If I were in Argentina I would be so sick of football that I would probably hate it. I used to.
how true Ale re aussie football...
jajaja por dios nunca imagine que tuviera una hermana tan futbolera!!! no te reconozco jajaja.
Argentina, Argentina!!!!! vamooooooooooooooo!!!!
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