Thursday, January 24, 2013

The Beach, Oh the Beach!

Our last day in Lorne was a coldish day suited for going on long walks. We walked a few km and went farther than we had gone other times along the beach. I remember when I was walking there on the sand I felt at ease and there was no other place I would rather be, nothing else I would rather do. 

En nuestro ultimo viaje a Lorne nos toco un dia fresco de esos que son especiales para caminar. Caminamos unos kilometros y fuimos mas lejos de lo que fuimos otras veces por la playa. Me acuerdo que mientras estaba ahi con los pies en la arena fresca me sentia tan comoda conmigo misma y senti que no habia nada en el mundo que quisiera estar haciendo mas que estar ahi, en ese lugar, caminando y mirando todo lo que me rodeaba.

The Ereskine River before it meets the sea.
 El rio Ereskine antes de  que encuentre el mar.

Este es un dispensador de bolsitas de residuos para la caquita de los perros.

Este Magpie estaba admirando la vista.
The magpie admiring the view.

On the way back we walked along the road and found these wildberries, there were thousands of them ready to be eaten. We did ate a few, they were delicious. I imagine how good it would feel if you didn't have any food or water and were lost somewhere to find a bunch of bushes like this one. After we went to this cafe to have something warm and found little alfajores to go with our coffee. They looked delicious but were kind of tasteless.

Volvimos de nuestra caminata por la ruta y encontramos arbustos llenos de estas frambuesas salvajes, estaban riquisimas. Me imagine que lindo seria encontrarte con esta sorpresa si estuvieras perdido sin comida ni agua...Cuando llegamos de la caminata fuimos a este cafe a tomar algo calentito y encontramos alfajorcitos. Se veian riquisimos pero no tenian gusto a nada.

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