Saturday, January 5, 2013

Lorne, Here We Go Again!

It was a busy day at the beach on the 3rd day of the new year and it was hot! We drove swiftly and arrived at Lorne after 2. As usual the place was flooded with holiday-makers and I felt the town is a different one from the one I see at other times of the year. Can't blame people for liking it, but seriously, "Go somewhere else!".

Fue un dia bastante lleno de gente en la playa el tercer dia del ano nuevo y hacia mucho calor! Manejamos rapidito y llegamos a Lorne despues de las 2. Como todos los veranos, Lorne estaba inundado de gente y siento que el pueblito es muy diferente del que conozco en otros momentos del ano. No se puede culpar a la gente porque lo eligan y les guste, pero seriamente, " vayanse a otro lado".

I hit the beach at about 4ish and enjoyed sitting there and looking into the water. I took a book I had to read for uni a couple of years ago because I remembered that at the time I wished I could read it when I wasn't so busy with assignments, so I picked it up and started reading it again. It is called " Why School?", by Mike Rose. I recommend it to people that has an interest in education. Even though it is an American author and it is based on the American Public Education system it has a lot of similarities with ours and it it very easy to relate to. I read until I felt asleep. When I woke up I was wet with sweat and half the people that were surrounding me before had gone. I got up and walked to the water. I knew it would be cold so I tried to prepare myself for the shock. It never works though. The contrast in temperatures makes it impossible to walk in. So I took one step forward and two back easing myself slowly and waiting for the waves to subside so I could run in before the next one hit me in all my dry places and made me shiver. And then I plunged in and I held my breath feeling the cold water bubble around my body. When I came out to breathe again I was so happy, it was like I was reborn. I don't think there is anything else in the world that makes me feel like that, so relaxed and away from anything else in the world. I swayed in the ocean for about an hour, always looking into the land in the distance, the green hills that seem to fall into the blue water. At times I looked at my feet wriggling through the crystalline water and other times at the sky with my head resting on the waves. It was kind of difficult to pull myself out, in fact, I started walking out and then quickly turned around and stayed a bit longer.

Fui para la playa a eso de las 4 y disfrute sentandome ahi y mirando el agua. Me lleve un libro para leer que hace un par de anos tuve que leer para la facultad. Me acuerdo que en ese momento pensaba como me gustaria leer este libro en otro momento cuando no tenga examenes...asique lo agarre y ahora lo leo con otra onda. Se lo recomiendo a aquellos que tengan un interes por la educacion, se llama "Porque Escuela?" por Mike Rose. Si bien esta basado en el sistema educativo de estados unidos tiene mucha concordancia con el nuestro y es facil de relacionar.  Lei hasta que me quede dormida. Cuando me desperte estaba chorreando de transpiracion asique me levante para ir al mar. Sabia que iba a estar fria asique me prepare para el shock. Nunca funciona igualmente. El contraste en temperaturas hace imposible que uno pueda simplemente caminar adentro. Asique daba un paso para adelante y dos para atras entrando despacito y esperando que las olas se apaguen para correr antes de que la proxima me rompa encima y me toque todas las partes del cuerpo que aun tenia secas y me hagan temblar. Y despues me tire de cabeza y sin respirar sentia como el agua fria burbujeaba alrededor de mi cuerpo. Cuando sali a tomar aire de vuelta estaba tan contenta, como si hubiera nacido de vuelta. Creo que no hay nada mas en el mundo que me haga sentir asi, tan relajada y tan lejos de todo lo mundano. Me meci en el mar como por una hora, simpre mirando a la tierra en la distancia, las colinas verdes que parecen caer en el agua azul. Por momentos miraba mis pies moverse en el fondo del agua tan cristalina y otros momentos miraba el cielo recostando mi cabeza en el agua. Me resulto dificil arrancarme del mar, de hecho intente salir un par de veces y me di vuelta y volvi a meterme por un rato mas.

After sunbathing a little Ric came back from his walking adventure and we had a shower and went to have dinner at our favourite Cuda Bar with live music and a refreshing beer. At dusk the beach looked beautiful and uninterrupted. No people, no noise except the waves breaking.

Despues de tomar un poquito de sol, Ricky volvio de su aventura caminera y nos banamos y nos fuimos a cenar a nuestro favorito Cuda Bar con musica en vivo y una cerveza helada. Al atardecer la playa estaba hermosa e ininterrumpida. No gente, no ruido excepto las olas rompiendo.

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