Sunday, August 18, 2013

Energised by Art

I really feel energised after visiting an Art Gallery, I think it stirs something at the core of my soul. We went to Federation Square (Ian Potter Gallery) and watched an interesting exhibition of film and photography called Suburban by artist Ian Strange. I really liked the film, shown it three screens it featured these houses from different angles, close ups and far with music that added to the atmosphere. The houses, painted by the artist prior to filming, really depicted something odd in the midst of suburbia. There was an uneasiness to it, seeing the camera roll and take in these images (without our prior knowledge that the artist had painted them). The film lasted 8 minutes and builds up the tension until one of the houses burns to the ground. Recommend people to see it, it is free.

1 comment:

Ric said...

A couple of them only need a burning cross on the front yard to attract more eyes.
I couldn't help it, I intermediately recalled the movie Mississippi is Burning.