Sunday, August 7, 2011

Another weekend indoors

Another weekend spent indoors writing assignments and studying hard...I am so over it that I have to do a lot of self-talk to push myself hard and not give up. I am tired, stressed, overworked and don't have enough hours in the day to do everything I have to do. Added to the normal uni load I now have to prepare a portfolio, write a job application, answer selection criteria and prepare for interviews. My oh my! I think that all this stress is actually working in my favour as I finished two assignments one week before they are due. I am learning about design for learning spaces where I learn about creating environments that will positively affect learning. That is why I have lit a candle whilst I was studying because research shows that smelling certain smells aids concentration....I think it worked or was it the placebo effect? :) and so I rewarded myself with a latte in Camberwell.

Otro fin de semana encerrada escribiendo y estudiando fuerte...estoy tan harta que tengo que darme mucha charla a mi misma para darme fuerza y empujarme a no tirar la toalla. Estoy cansada, estresada y sobrecargada de laburo. No tengo suficiente horas en el dia para hacer todo lo que tengo que hacer. Sumado a la carga universitaria que tengo ahora se le suma prepararme un folio, escribir una postulacion para laburos, contestar criterios de seleccion y prepararme para entrevistas, mi dios! Creo que todo este estres esta actuando a mi favor ya que termine dos laburos para la facultad una semana antes de la fecha de entrega. En una de mis materias estoy aprendiendo diseno de espacios de ensenanza, se trata de crear espacios que afecten la ensenanza y el aprendizaje positivamente. Por eso me prendi una vela mientras estudiaba porque las investigaciones indican que ciertos olores ayudan a la parece que me funciono...o habra sido placebo? Asique hoy al final de tanto laburo me recomponse con un cafelatte en Camberwell.


Anonymous said...

You are almost there Ale. The end is in sight!

Anonymous said...

You are almost there Ale. The end is in sight!
Detective Walsh

Alejandra Zalewski said...

ha ha...and yet seems so faraway...

Ric said...

Shut up and make me dinner woman!