Sunday, February 27, 2011

Goodbye Summer

The sun bathed my skin with its warm light as I drove through the Great Ocean Road on Saturday morning on our way to Lorne. It was our last trip for the Summer and I wanted to take it all in: the scenery, the colours, the music. The temperature was perfect, not too hot, not cold and above all no wind, so at the beach I laid down looking at the sky, dipping my hands in the sand beside me and letting it fall through the gaps of my fingers, enjoying every grain. I fell asleep for a while in that peaceful way and when I woke up the sun was gone behind a thick layer of clouds, but it wasn't cold. I walked towards the ocean and went in for a swim. The cool water woke me up and the waves surprised me now and then with a fun sway. It was our last trip for the Summer and even though there is a certain sadness that goes with it, I take with me the spirited fun of the day and the hope of a colourful and soft lighted Autumn.

El sol banaba mi piel con su calida luz mientras manejaba por la Gran Ruta Oceanica el Sabado por la manana en camino a Lorne. Fue nuestro ultimo viaje del verano y queria disfrutar todo: los paisajes, los colores, la musica. La temperatura estaba perfecta, no muy caluroso, no frio y nada de viento, asique en la playa, me acoste mirando el cielo y enterrando mis manos en la arena a mi lado; la dejaba caer entre mis dedos disfrutando cada granito. Asi me quede dormida por un rato en esa paz y cuando me levante el sol se habia escondido detras de una capa gruesa de nubes, pero no hacia frio. Camine hacia el mar y me fui a nadar. El agua fria me desperto y las olas me sorprendian de vez en cuando con un divertido meceo. Fue nuestro ultimo viaje de este verano y aunque hay una cierta tristeza que va con eso, me llevo conmigo la animosa diversion de la simpleza del dia y la esperanza de un Otono colorido y de luces suaves.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Two down, two to go

Mi segunda semana en St. Bedes mejoro mil por ciento...pero ahora tengo mucho sueno asique posteo manana si tengo tiempo. Perdon por el espacio entre post y post pero estoy muy cansada.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

One down three to go

After a week of experiencing a new and different working environment I found myself reflecting about the challenges facing my new profession (once I enter it).
How funny it is that it is not the knowledge, the preparation or the intellectual difficulties that I fear, but the minutia of the social structures and personality hierarchy. I have experienced stress like I haven't in years. Things like learning the whereabouts of the most insignificant thing, learning new names, scanning for vibes, having to ask the most elemental questions, finding the rooms, books, staples, paper, tubs, switches, scissors, glue, pens, people, hats and doing it all with a smile has literally worn me out.
This experience has also made me evaluate my own position of comfort at my current workplace and how I may not have been aware of others facing this difficulty. We become so complacent about everything we do, we forget that we can be making someone else's life uncomfortable.