Saturday, April 17, 2010

Oranges and Reds

Oranges and reds filled the tree canopies on my way to Camberwell today. As I drove with the bike on the back of my car the shades of Autumn colours were left behind the reach of my eyes only to be replaced by more oranges, reds and yellows as the car moved forward. The warmth of the afternoon sun seemed to envelop me in an unimaginable softness. What an ideal day to get on the bicycle and ride. I could feel the soft breeze on my arms and I could see the trees losing their leaves as they fell dry on the asphalt. I could almost see them falling in slow motion swaying from side to side as they are pulled by gravity towards the earth. The few exposed branches reach towards the sun desperately searching for warmth and light whilst the vibe of a perfect Saturday afternoon filled the air with bubbles of happiness.
We reached the city in what it seemed only a moment. People were everywhere walking, riding, running, eating and drinking. The bustle of Southbank was welcoming and the coffee smelled beautiful when they were filling our cups. On our way back the sun painted the town orange just to fit in.

Naranjas y rojos cubrian las copas de los arboles hoy en camino a Camberwell. Mientras manejaba con la bici en la parte de atras del auto, los tonos otonales iban quedando atras, solo para ser reemplazados por mas rojos, naranjas y amarillos a medida que el auto avanzaba. La calidez del sol de la tarde parecia envolverme en una suavidad inimaginable. Que dia ideal para subirse a la bicicleta y andar. Podia sentir la brisa suave en mis brazos y podia ver los arboles perdiendo sus hojas al verlas caer de a poquito secas sobre el asfalto. Casi podia verlas caer en camara lenta, moviendose de lado a lado mientras la gravedad las empuja contra la tierra. Las pocas ramas desnudas se estiran hacia el sol buscando calor y luz mientras la onda de una tarde perfecta de Sabado llenaba el aire con burbujas alegres.
Llegamos a la city en lo que parecio apenas un momento. Habia gente en todos lados, caminando, andando en bici, corriendo, comiendo y bebiendo. El ruido de Southbank fue bienvenido y el cafe olia riquisimo cuando lo servian en las tazas. En camino de vuelta el sol pinto la ciudad naranja solo para pertenecer.


Ric said...

This Summer is hanging around a bit longer, but I saw the season changing this afternoon. It was as usual a nice ride. You had lots of energy today. Makes me wonder about you comming to Tassie for a round trip sooner than we think ;)

Alejandra Zalewski said...

mmmm...not ready yet