Saturday, May 11, 2013

De Beto and Pascuas

My gorgeous niece Indiana holding crazy Lorenzo.

 My dad teaching Lorenzo naughty things and my sister trying to prevent it.

Easter with the family at my parents' house. Lots of fun playing with my niece and nephew and chatting with everyone else.

 Here I am at my sister Bettina's house. I spent a few days with them and I loved every single minute there. They made me feel like a queen and I cherished every minute I could spend chatting with them. My two nieces Sofia and Indiana are two amazing girls and I love them immensely. They are sweet, smart, beautiful and very grounded. I enjoyed laughing with them, hearing them talk, listening to Indiana's sweet singing voice and sharing some of my own experiences. I wish I could have stayed longer. My sister is an incredible mother and a beautiful person. She gave me everything, even her own bed! My brother in law, Guillermo, is an amazing person and I love him like a brother. Thank you for everything you have done while I was there. I hope one day I can do the same for you.

Aca estoy de mi hermana mayor Bettina. Pase unos dias con ellos y ame cada minuto que estuve ahi. Me hicieron sentir como una reina y valore cada minuto que pude pasar charlando con ellos. Mis dos sobrinas, Sofia e Indiana son dos chicas increibles y las amo inmensamente. Son dulces, inteligentes, hermosas y con los pies bien en la tierra. Disfrute mucho riendome con ellas, escuchandolas hablar, escuchando la dulce voz de Indiana cantando y compartiendo mis experiencias. Ojala pudiera haberme quedado mas. Mi hermana es una mama increible y una persona hermosa. Me dio todo, hasta su propia cama! Mi cunado Guillermo, es una persona exelente y lo amo como a un hermano. Gracias por todo lo que hiceron cuando estuve con ustedes. Espero algun dia poder hacer lo mismo por ustedes.

 Here I am making a cake! Aca estoy haciendo una torta.

My adored caramel ice-cream, so long I waited for you, craved for you and long to have you in my mouth. You are amazing! The best. Simply said.

Mi adorado helado de ducle de leche, tanto espere por ti, tanto te he deseado y he ansiado que estes en mi boca. Sos sensacional! El mejor. Dicho simplemente.

 My brother in law making the traditional eastern-european pasta "varenikes, piroguis,piroshkis". Delicious!

 My brother in law made me caipirinha night after night, it was yummy and kind of made me a little tipsy. He learnt to make it in his trip to Brazil whilst on holidays chasing waves.
MI cuando me hizo caipirinhas todas las noches, eran riquisimas y me dejaban un poquito mareada. Aprendio a hacerlas un su viaje a Brazil de vacaciones persiguiendo a las olas.

My brother in law and Indiana jamming together. I was so amazed by sweet niece's voice.

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