Monday, September 14, 2009

The Operation

This is what I looked like a few hours after the operation. I was so sleepy...didn't feel a lot of pain then but I was so thirsty that all I wanted was a drop of water. I kept telling the nurse "please can I have some water" and she noded and replied: "when you can have it I will bring it to you". Every time she came to check up on me I will ask the same question over and over. I hated that nurse!!!! She also asked me that if I promised to take 5 deep breaths she would remove my oxigen mask but if I didn't she would put it back on. So as soon as she took the mask off I took a deep breath just to show her how good I was, but as soon as she left the room I would fall asleep again so when she came back I took another quick but deep breath just to show her how good a patient I was. Of course she probably thought I had been taking deep breaths since she left ha! HOW I FOOLED HER.

Este era mi estado un par de horas despues de la operacion, me dormia todo el tiempo y lo unico que queria era agua. La enfermera no me trajo nada para tomar hasta despues de haber pasado 4 horas. Cada vez que entraba a la habitacion yo le pedia y ella no me traia. La odiaba hasta que al final me explico que el medico no queria que tome nada hasta pasadas las 4 horas de la operacion. Tambien me dijo que si yo le prometia tomar 5 respiraciones hondas ella me sacaba la marscara de oxigeno asique yo prometi que lo haria porque ya no me la bancaba mas puesta, apenas me la saco, respire hondo, despues ella se fue y yo me dormi, y cuando volvio de vuelta me dio miedo que se diera cuenta que no habia respirado hondo un carajo asique rapidito me mande unas respiraciones hondas y ella habra pensado que me la pase asi todo el tiempo desde que se fue.
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