Saturday, June 29, 2013


 These are my youth friends. Luis, Quique and I know each other since I was 14 years old. We had a lifetime of experiences in the lapse of 6 years. We laughed, cried, party hard and collected so many stories. When we get together we always laugh about all the stupid things we did and I guess that if we were still leaving close we would still be doing fun and stupid things together. We grew up in the 80s listening to Deep Purple and Bon Jovi (some of us more than others). We had big hair, watched classic movies together and shared good times. I love that I got to spend an afternoon with them, it was hard to leave them again but being there made me realise how much of them I have in me. I love you guys!

Estos son mis amigos de la juventud. Luis, Quique y yo nos conocemos desde los 14 anos. Tuvimos una  vida de experiencias en un lapso de 6 anos. Nos reimos, lloramos, jodimos y juntamos tantas historias! Cuando nos juntamos siempre recordamos las cosas estupidas que hicimos juntos y supongo que si aun vivieramos cerca seguiriamos haciendo cosas estupidas juntos. Crecimos en los 80 en Valentin Alsina esuchando a Deep Purple, Purpura y Bon Jovi (algunos de nosotros mas que otros). Teniamos pelos batidos, miramos peliculas clasicas y compartimos momentos inolvidables. Me encanto haber pasado una tarde junto a ellos, fue duro despedirlos otra vez pero estar ahi me hizo dar cuenta cuanto de ellos tengo en mi. Los amo!

The Czerniawski's

 Maia, the sweetest kid!

 The Espositos

In Luis' Studio.

 What can I say?

 Quique and "the pencil".

 My beautiful friends.

Luis' backyard tree, the biggest in Alsina.

Argentina Part II

Okay Part II of my trip to Argentina, about time I finish this entry...I thought long and hard about why I couldn't bring myself to finish publishing the photos and writing about my trip. I guess that I don't want this to end because it means that the trip will be in the past and all the good memories will be, well, memories. Here I am with my long time friends Gabriela and Patricia. We don't talk very often or write to each other often enough, but we shared an afternoon together and I felt nothing but close to them like in the old times. I guess that some friendships survive time and distance. I love you girls.

Bueno Parte II de mi viaje, era hora que terminara esta entrada en mi blog...pense mucho sobre porque no podia ponerme a terminar de subir las fotos y a escribir sobre mi viaje. Supongo que no quiero que se termine porque implicaria que el viaje quedaria en el pasado y todos los recuerdos serian, bueno simplemente eso, recuerdos. Aqui estoy con mis amigas de toda la vida, Gabriela y Patricia. NO nos hablamos seguido y no nos escribimos tan seguido como deberiamo, pero en esa tarde que pasamos juntas me senti tan cerca como siempre. Sera que algunas amistades sobreviven el tiempo y las distancias. Las amo amigas.