Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Day of 2013

As the end of the year approaches I stop and think about everything that was. 2013 was a full year, tucked with events that stacked themselves in a small compartment of my brain. Neatly folded, almost glued to one another; like a pile of clean and ironed linen begging not to be disturbed. Every memory stacked in the cupboard like a sheet expecting to be taken out but perfectly aware that at the moment of the pull, the rest of the pile will tumble down, unfold and wrinkle. Some memories I want to keep intact, I don't want them messed up or altered. I want them forever to feel like they do now, warm, alive and fresh as it they just happened: My time spent with my family overseas, hugging my frail grandfather, holidaying in Tathra, seeing my son graduating, eating chips at Grill'd on Saturday afternoons with Ric and Anton and walking into my classroom on my birthday and seeing the whiteboard filled with a massive drawing of a cake and a caricature version of me devouring it, all around it messages from my students. Those are the moments that I treasure this year, the ones that I tuck into the compartment in my mind and keep for when I am old and senile and decide to take them all out and spread them in the sun to relive again.

El fin de ano se acerca y paro a pensar en todo lo que fue. 2013 fue un ano lleno, plegado de eventos que se apilaron juntitos en un pequeno compartimiento de mi cerebro. Prolijamente doblados, casi pegados unos a otros, como una pila de sabanas limpias y planchadas en el placard pidiendo que no se las disturbe. Cada momento apilado en el placard como una sabana que espera se la saque pero que sabe perfectamente que en el momento de ser retirada, el resto se caera, desdoblara y se arrugara. Algunos momentos quiero mantener intactos. No quiero que se manoseen o se alteren. Los quiero asi para siempre, quiero sentirlos como los siento hoy, calidos, vivos y frescos como se recien ocurrieran: Mi tiempo en Argentina con mi familia, abrazando a mi abuelito fragil, vacacionando en Tathra, ver graduarse a mi hijo, comiendo papas fritas en Grill'd los sabados a la tarde con Ric y Anton y entrando a mi clase el dia de mi cumpleanos y ver el pizarron cubierto con un dibujo enorme de una torta y una version mia caricaturizada devorando la torta, todo alrededor mensajes de felicidades de mis alumnos. Esos son los momentos que valoro como un tesoro de este ano, los que pliego en el compartimiento de mi mente y mantengo para siempre para cuando sea viejita y senil y decida sacar a ventilarlos y desparramarlos en el sol para revivirlos otra vez.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

Walking by the River

Today we walked to the city on a beautiful afternoon. The temperature was perfect and there was a cool sea breeze that blew my gorgeous curls (made by the new hair curler device I got for Christmas) away. We sat by the Yarra River for a few minutes to rest and enjoy the perfect afternoon before we headed home. It is so strange to see the city so empty, it's like a ghost week between Christmas and New Year. It has a nice feeling as well because it becomes a little bit more of your own. It's like when visitors come and even though you enjoy the company the house is a mess, noisy, crowded and then eventually when they leave everything goes back to normal, quiet and kind of in control. I sort of like that feeling.

Hoy fuimos caminando a la city para disfrutar la hermosa tarde. La temperatura estuvo perfecta y soplaba una brisa fresquita del mar. Mis radiantes rulos (hechos con la nueva rizadora que me regalaron para navidad) volaban en la suave brisa. Nos sentamos en las orillas del rio Yarra por unos minutos para descansar y disfrutar la tarde perfecta antes de volver a casa. Es tan raro ver la ciudad tan desierta, es como una semana fantasma entre Navidad y Ano Nuevo. Tiene una onda linda porque es como que la ciudad te pertenece un poquito mas. Es como cuando vienen visitas y a pesar de que la disfrutas la casa se enquilomba, se pone ruidosa, sucia y se llena de gente y despues eventualmente, las visitas se van y todo vuelve a la normalidad, tranquilo y como en control. Me gusta esa sensacion.

Christmas 2013

Christmas this year was kind of quiet, we spent it at home just the three of us. It was nice even though I was exhausted after a Christmas Eve of busy preparations. The day started with an early trip to the shops to avoid the crowds. At 8.15 am the supermarket's car park was almost full and the bakery was already crowded. I spent the day cooking and decorating with loud music in the background and as always I enjoyed the preparations. To me it's all about that, the smells, the cutting, the wrapping, the setting up to spend a magical day together. Everything looked and tasted divine and we enjoyed our company. Merry Christmas to everyone!

Navidad este ano fue bastante tranquila, la pasamos en casa solo los tres. Fue lindo a pesar de que quede exhausta despues de las preparaciones culinarias. El dia empezo con un muy temprano viajecito a los negocios para evitar las multitudes. A las 8.15 am el estacionamiento del supermercado ya estaba casi lleno y la panaderia tenia cola. Me pase el dia cocinando y decorando con musica de fondo y como todos los anos disfrute mucho las preparaciones. Para mi de eso se trata, de los olores, de cortar cosas, de envolver, de decorar para pasar un dia feliz y magico en familia.Todo se veia y salio divino y disfrutamos nuestra propia compania. Feliz Navidad para todos!

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Another Milestone to Celebrate

On the 16th of December my son, Anton, graduated from university and became a scientist. We were very proud parents sitting in the audience as he walked to the stage to receive his diploma. The venue, The Royal Exhibition Building, enveloped the traditional ceremony perfectly. Anton wore the ceremonial robe worn for this occasion, with a history that dates back 800 years ago. 

El 16 de Diciembre mi hijo, Anton, se graduo de la universidad para convertise en cientifico. Eramos dos padres orgullosos sentados en la audiencia mientras el caminaba al escenario para recibir su diploma. El edificio, Royal Melbourne Exhibition Building, envolvio la ceremonia tradicional perfectamente. Anton uso la toga que se usa en esta ocasion, que tiene una historia de 800 anos.

At the end of the cermony we were invited to a nice morning tea of delicate food and champagne. We cheered for his success with a lot of satisfaction. 

Al final de la ceremonia fuimos invitados a un lunch con champagne y todo, brindamos por sus logros con mucha satisfaccion.

We are so very proud of you son. I always knew, even when you were a tiny toddler, that you were destined for great things. I love you so much and I hope that you can continue working towards acquiring new knowledge and becoming a better human being (even though you already are an amazing one!). CONGRATULAIONS! Seek, Explore and Discover!

Estamos tan orgullosos de vos hijo. Siempre supe, incluso cuando eras un porotito, que estabas destinado para cosas grandes. Te amo muchisimo y espero que puedas continuar trabajando para lograr tus objectivos, adquirir mas conocimiento y para ser un mejor ser humano (aunque ya sos un ser humano increible). FELICITACIONES!  De aqui en mas a Buscar, explorar y descubrir!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Fun Run

Today I participated in my first 5 Km fun run to support cancer research. I did it thinking of all women suffering from that horrible disease and men as well but in my heart I was thinking of you, grandma. I miss you everyday and I love you. I hope that what little we can do individually can serve the larger purpose and soon humanity can be ridden of cancer once and for all.

Hoy participe en mi primera carrera de 5 km para apoyar a la investigacion contra el cancer. Lo hice pensando en todas las mujeres que sufren de esa espantosa enfermedad y en los hombres tambien pero, en mi corazon estaba pensando en vos, abuela. Te extrano todos los dias y te amo. Espero que lo poquito que podamos hacer individualmente sirva para que en conjunto la humanidad pueda pronto ser despojada del cancer de una vez por todas.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Where Does Time Go?

Happy Birthday to my beloved son Anton who turned 21 today. I look at these photos and can't believe how quickly time has gone. My little boy is a man now! One thing hasn't changed though, he is still the most beautiful human being I have ever met. I am so proud of him and how the world is better because he is in it. I love you my son, you are such a treasure. I hope you will be as happy in your adult life as you were in your childhood/adolescence and youth. Be happy, that is all we need to be!