Last night my friends Nikki, Wendy and Linda (represented here by the Oscar as she had already left when I took the photo) came home for dinner. It was a thank you from me to them for being supportive and understanding during the last 4 and 1/2 years when I decided to start uni. Nikki and I worked close together on our assignments, brainstorming, checking each other's work, trying to make sense of it all. We spent hours on the phone working things out, helping each other, cursing and more. I wish her all the best for this, her last year at UTAS. I wish I could work with her. We would make a great team! Thanks Nikki.
Anoche vinieron a cenar mis amigas Nikki, Wendy y Linda (representada por el Oscar en la foto porque ya se habia ido cuando me acorde de sacar la foto). La cena fue para agradecerles por su apoyo y entendimiento durante los ultimos 4 anos y medio cuando decide empezar a estudiar. Nikki y yo trabajamos juntas en nuestros estudios, brainstorming, chequeando los trabajos de cada una, tratando de que todo esto tenga sentido. Pasamos horas en el telefono estudiando juntas, analizando problemas, ayudandonos mutuamente, puteando y mas. Le deseo todo lo mejor para este su ultimo ano en UTAS. Me encantaria poder trabajar con ella hariamos un equipo fantastico. Gracias Nikki!
Wendy has been there for me always, supporting me and understanding my rants, listening to my frustration, giving me positive feedback and encouraging me through every step. She has been a great friend, understood why I didn't have time for her without getting upset. She has been patient through this all and has shown me true friendship. Thank you Wendy!
Wendy siempre me apoyo y me banco despotricando contra todo, se aguanto mis frustraciones, siempre dandome feedback positivo y alentandomeen cada paso. Wendy ha sido una amiga fantastica, siempre entendiendo porque no tenia tiempo para ella sin enojarse. Ha sido paciente durante todo este tiempo y me ha demostrado amistad verdadera. Gracias Wendy!
Linda has been a fantastic support and fountain of knowledge and information. I thank her for reading all my assignments and giving me feedback, checking for spelling and making sure that what I handed in made sense. She has put up with every single one of them and never turned me down, despite her busy life. She has given support in times of frustration and has always encouraged me to keep going and work hard. She has been an example for me, a great role model and a friend. Thanks Linda.
Linda ha sido un apoyo fenomenal y una fuente de conocimiento e informacion. Le agradezco por haber leido todos mis trabajos, monografias y ensayos y darme feedback, chequear por ortografia y significado. Se banco leer absolutamente todos mis trabajos y nunca me dijo que no, a pesar de su laburo estresante y atareado. Linda me ha dado apoyo en momentos de angustia y frustracion y siempre me alento a seguir y a trabajar duro. Linda ha sido un ejemplo para mi, un modelo a seguir y una amiga. Gracias Linda
We had pizza, beer and tiramisu and enjoyed each other's company. Thank you girls again and I hope that we will do it again soon.
Anoche celebramos con pizza, cerveza y tiramisu y disfrutamos en nuestra compania. Gracias chicas otra vez y espero que lo hagamos de vuelta pronto.