Sunday, January 29, 2012

Last beach day of the holidays

How amazing were the colours at the beach yesterday. Everything was so blue it was like looking through a filter. We escaped the Melbourne heat and drove to the Great Ocean Road once again to enjoy a day at the beach, only to find that it wasn't as hot in Lorne and the thick layers of clouds covered the sky completely. I finished my book "You'll be sorry when I'm dead"by Marieke Hardy and I had a cappuccino at the beach. Later at night we had dinner at Cuda Bar and had a toss to new beginnings (at least for me).

Que increible los colores en la playa ayer. Todo estaba tan celeste parecia que miraba a traves de algun filtro. Nos escapamos del calor de Melbourne y manejamos por la Gran Ruta Oceanica otra vez para disfrutar un dia en la playa, solo para encontrar que no hacia calor en Lorne y que las capas gruesas de nubes cubrian el cielo completamente. Termine mi libro "Se apenaran cuando este muerta" de Marieke Hardy y tome un cappuccino en la playa. Mas tarde a la noche cenamos en Cuda Bar y brindamos por nuevos comienzos (al menos para mi).

I really enjoyed my drive there with The Shins sounding loud. It is interesting how when the sun is hiding behind the clouds our focus changes. The sun is in a sense like a spot light than when off, it forces our eyes in new directions. On the road yesterday I noticed this funky looking plants or shrubs on the hillside. They were mostly dry and unevenly sticking out here and there. They made the hill look like it has had a really bad haircut and they were hairs sticking out everywhere oddly. It made me laugh.

Realmente disfrute el viaje ayer con The Shins sonando fuerte en el auto. Es interesante como cuando el sol se esconde detras de las nubes nuestro foco visual cambia. Es sol, de alguna manera, es un reflector directional gigante que cuando esta apagado nos fuerza a mirar en nuevas direcciones. En el camino ayer note estas plantas graciosas en las colinas. Estaban secas y se destacaban desprolijamente aqui y alla. Parecia que la montana habia tenido un corte de pelo malisimo y tenia pelitos parados por todos lados. Me hizo reir.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Glorious Day at the Beach

Last Tuesday we went to Lorne and finally hit a glorious day at the beach. Perfect weather, perfect surf and great food. Went for a walk around town, shop a little, ate some ice-cream and swam a lot! It will be repeated before the end of the holidays.

El martes pasado fuimos a Lorne y finalmente fue un dia glorioso en la playa. Temperatura perfecta, olas alucinantes y comida rica. Caminamos, compramos algunas boludeces, tomamos helado y nade un monton! Sera repetido antes que terminen las vacaciones.

Thursday, January 26, 2012


Just one of the many times that I have to do things with Oliverio resting on my shoulders like a baby. He is so gorgeous!

Una de las tantas veces que tengo que hacer cosas con Oliverio colgando en mis hombros como un bebe. Si no lo levanto llora. Es tan hermoso!

Una merienda en Chocolateria San Churro

How yummy it was this afternoon tea at San Churro in Fitzroy. The drink was a classic Spanish but cold. The chocolate was so thick that it was more like a dessert and it tasted like the Cindor classic from Argentina! The churros were really nice and I chose dark chocolate as a dipping sauce. I felt so full afterwards. How am I going to burn all this fat?

Que rica la merienda en San Churro en Fitzroy. La bebida era un clasico chocolate espanol pero frio. El chocolate era super espeso parecia mas un postre y tenia gusto a Cindor! Los churros eran tan ricos. Yo elegi chocolate negro para mojarlos pero tambien hay de leche y blanco. Me senti tan llena cuando termine. Como voy a hacer para quemar todas estas calorias?

Friday, January 20, 2012

Stonefield at Federation Square

Last night at Federation Square free concerts was another treat. Rockers Stonefield played her neat sound for an excited audience. They are a band of sisters from rural Victoria, the oldest (drummer and singer) is 19 years old and the youngest (bass player) is 13! They sounded amazing and they really know how to work the stage. They have already played at Glastonbury and played in L.A. to support the Foo Fighters.
I really like that they are still kids and can really rock it! There are really some amazing music brewing in Australia at the moment.

Anoche fue otro exitoso concierto gratuito en Federation Square. Las rockeras Stonefield tocaron y llevaron su sonido prolijo a una audiencia exitada! Son una banda formada de hermanas de un pueblo rural en Victoria. La mayor (baterista y cantante, 19 anos) y la menor (bajista, 13)! Sonaron re bien y realmente la tienen clara como trabajar el escenario. Ya tocaron en Glastonbury y en LA como grupo soporte de los Foo Fighters.
Me encanta que sean tan chicas y que realmente disfrutan lo que hacen y la verdad que se rockean todo! Ultimamente hay mucha musica que vale la pena cocinandose en Australia.

Antes de esuchar bajen el volumen porque yo estaba al lado del parlante y el telefono saturo el sonido.

Before you play lower your volume, cause I was next to the speaker and my phone screw up the sound. They did this cover of A whole lotta love (Led Zeppelin).

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pizza "thank you" night

Last night my friends Nikki, Wendy and Linda (represented here by the Oscar as she had already left when I took the photo) came home for dinner. It was a thank you from me to them for being supportive and understanding during the last 4 and 1/2 years when I decided to start uni. Nikki and I worked close together on our assignments, brainstorming, checking each other's work, trying to make sense of it all. We spent hours on the phone working things out, helping each other, cursing and more. I wish her all the best for this, her last year at UTAS. I wish I could work with her. We would make a great team! Thanks Nikki.

Anoche vinieron a cenar mis amigas Nikki, Wendy y Linda (representada por el Oscar en la foto porque ya se habia ido cuando me acorde de sacar la foto). La cena fue para agradecerles por su apoyo y entendimiento durante los ultimos 4 anos y medio cuando decide empezar a estudiar. Nikki y yo trabajamos juntas en nuestros estudios, brainstorming, chequeando los trabajos de cada una, tratando de que todo esto tenga sentido. Pasamos horas en el telefono estudiando juntas, analizando problemas, ayudandonos mutuamente, puteando y mas. Le deseo todo lo mejor para este su ultimo ano en UTAS. Me encantaria poder trabajar con ella hariamos un equipo fantastico. Gracias Nikki!

Wendy has been there for me always, supporting me and understanding my rants, listening to my frustration, giving me positive feedback and encouraging me through every step. She has been a great friend, understood why I didn't have time for her without getting upset. She has been patient through this all and has shown me true friendship. Thank you Wendy!

Wendy siempre me apoyo y me banco despotricando contra todo, se aguanto mis frustraciones, siempre dandome feedback positivo y alentandomeen cada paso. Wendy ha sido una amiga fantastica, siempre entendiendo porque no tenia tiempo para ella sin enojarse. Ha sido paciente durante todo este tiempo y me ha demostrado amistad verdadera. Gracias Wendy!

Linda has been a fantastic support and fountain of knowledge and information. I thank her for reading all my assignments and giving me feedback, checking for spelling and making sure that what I handed in made sense. She has put up with every single one of them and never turned me down, despite her busy life. She has given support in times of frustration and has always encouraged me to keep going and work hard. She has been an example for me, a great role model and a friend. Thanks Linda.

Linda ha sido un apoyo fenomenal y una fuente de conocimiento e informacion. Le agradezco por haber leido todos mis trabajos, monografias y ensayos y darme feedback, chequear por ortografia y significado. Se banco leer absolutamente todos mis trabajos y nunca me dijo que no, a pesar de su laburo estresante y atareado. Linda me ha dado apoyo en momentos de angustia y frustracion y siempre me alento a seguir y a trabajar duro. Linda ha sido un ejemplo para mi, un modelo a seguir y una amiga. Gracias Linda

We had pizza, beer and tiramisu and enjoyed each other's company. Thank you girls again and I hope that we will do it again soon.

Anoche celebramos con pizza, cerveza y tiramisu y disfrutamos en nuestra compania. Gracias chicas otra vez y espero que lo hagamos de vuelta pronto.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Cuda Bar at Lorne

Yesterday Ric and I went to Lorne. It was very hot again and it made me enjoy the beach a lot less than I would normally do. I think it's the hot north wind that I hate so much, it makes everything uncomfortable. The water was nice and cooling but the sea was messy and choppy. There weren't nice waves and it wasn't fully flat either, so the in-between kind of washing machine effect was not to my liking. We got there at lunch time and I stayed at the beach until 6ish reading my book "You'll be Sorry When I'm Dead" by Marieke Hardy, then we had a drink at the beach bar and I got so hot sitting there that decided to go back in the water. By the time I came out it was past 7 pm. I had a nice fresh and clean shower and went straight to Cuda Bar.

Ayer Ricky y yo fuimos a Lorne. Hacia mucho calor otra vez y me hizo disfrutar la playa mucho menos que lo que la disfrutaria normalmente. Creo que es el viento caliente del norte lo que odio tanto, porque incomoda todo. El agua estaba linda y refrescante pero el mar estaba revuelto. No habia olas lindas y no estaba pileta tampoco, asique ese efecto lavarropa que habia no me gusta mucho. Llegamos despues del mediodia y nos quedamos en la playa hasta las 6. Yo lei mi libro y despues tomamos algo en el bar de la playa. Sentada ahi en el bar me agarro tanto calor que me tuve que volver a meter al agua. Para cuando sali ya eran mas de las 7. Me bane y nos fuimos directamente a Cuda Bar.

Cuda Bar is really nice, it has a nice decking to sit and eat or drink with a nice sea view, or you can sit inside and listen to the live band of the night. The service there is great and everyone is so friendly. Raquel (I think she is the manager) is from Brazil, she is such a nice person, she remembered us from last year and came to say hello and have a chat about her holidays to Brazil and Buenos Aires. We also talked about Martin, the Uruguayan waiter we met there last year. He was such a free soul and was living the life. We had the fish and chips. The fish was so fresh and the chips were delicious! Raquel gave us a complimentary entree of spring rolls that were very nice. Cuda Bar has the friendliest atmosphere in Lorne, great food, fantastic ambience and it's open till late.

Cuda Bar es hermoso, tiene un lindo patio afuera para comer o beber mirando el mar o podes sentarte adentro y escuchar a la banda en vivo del dia. El servicio es fantastico y todos ahi son super amistosos. Raquel (la manager) es de Brazil, es tan macanuda, se acordaba de nosotros del ano pasado y nos vino a saludar y a contarnos de sus vacaciones en Brazil y Buenos Aires. Tambien hablamos de Martin, el mozo uruguayo que conocimos el ano pasado. Martin era tan espiritu libre, estaba ahi en Lorne viviendo la vida loca ahora esta en Europa. Cenamos ahi, pesado del dia y papas fritas. El pescado era fresquisimo y las papas super crocantes. Raquel nos regalo una entrada de spring rolls que estaban riquisimos. Cuda Bar tiene la atmosfera mas agradable de Lorne, comida buenisima, un ambiente fantastico y esta abierto hasta tarde.

Today I missed the sea and the washing machine weather in the house is not at all enjoyable. Summer sucks if not near the beach. That has been my statement for the last 30 years and I am sticking to it.

Hoy extrane el mar y su efecto lavaropa...el calor en la casa no es para nada disfrutable. El verano es un asco si uno no esta en la playa. Este ha sido mi moto desde hace 30 anos y aun los sostengo.

Happy 4th Birthday Oliverio

Oli turned 4 today. We gave him a good breakfast of his favourite food and then we opened his new toy (his favourite toy of all time). He was super excited, yet he didn't growl at it like he used to when he was younger. I think that the heat made him a little lethargic. We will test it again when it's less hot. Oliverio you are so loved...I hope you know it! Happy 4th Birthday. Love, your humans.

Monday, January 16, 2012


Last night Ric made some delicious Ukranian Varenikes (only that I spelled it wrong on my fridge). They are like a dampling filled with mashed potato, cheese and bacon and served with cream and melted butter...yummy!
We don't eat them very often and it probably is more of a Winter food, but since this Summer hasn't been hot and we had the time, we decided to go ahead and treat ourselves. There is an unspoken tradition between varenike makers that males do them and they must compete to see who eats the most. I was never able to eat more than 5 (if they are small). I still remember a night at my father in law's house when Ric and Ale (his brother) were competing, Ric was up to number 14 and Ale was trying to impress his girlfriend and went over his didn't end well let me tell you.

Anoche Ricky hizo unos deliciosos varenikes ucranianos (yo lo escribi mal con los imanes en la heladera). Varenikes son una especie de pasta rellena con pure, queso y panceta y servidos con crema y manteca...riquisimos!
No los comemos muy seguido y probablemente es una comida mas invernal, pero como ese verano no ha sido muy caluroso y estabamos con tiempo, decidimos hacerlos. Hay una tradicion entre los hacedores de varenikes que son los hombres los que los preparan y ellos deben competir a ver quien come mas. Yo nunca pude comer mas de 5 y si son chiquitos. Todavia recuerdo una noche en la casa de mi suegro cuando Ricky y su hermano Ale estaban compitiendo y Ricky iba por el 14 y Ale estaba tratando de impresionar a su entonces novia y se paso de su limite para ganarle a termino muy bien que digamos.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Oliverio and his string

Oli loves his long string. He sits next to it guarding it for hours. Sometimes he falls asleep next to it. In the morning he drags it to where we are having breakfast and taps you with his paw calling you to play with him. He loves it when you throw the string in its full length, unravelling it completely along the floor. He learnt to step on it with both paws to stop you from dragging it back towards you. He knows where we keep his toy and when he wants to play he pushes the draw open from the back. He is so adorable. Oli will be 4 on Monday.

Oli ama su hilito largo. Se sienta al lado de el, protegiendolo por horas. A veces se duerme con el hilito al lado. A la manana lo arrastra hasta la mesa y te llama con la patita para que le juegues. Le encanta cuando lo tiras desenrollandolo todo a lo largo del piso. Aprendio a pararse encima con las dos patitas para prevenir que lo enrosques de vuelta hacia vos. Sabe donde lo guardamos el hilito cuando no esta jugando y cuando no lo ve por la casa, va hasta el cajon y lo empuja de atras hasta que lo abre. Es hermoso. Oli va a cumplir 4 anos el lunes.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Free concerts at Federation Square

Yesterday we stopped at Federation Square to see a free concert. Before the concert we had a jug of beer for only $10 at a cafe/bar called Chinotto. The concert wasn't the best...but it was free and we had a bit of a laugh particularly with Bleeding Knees Club, a punky band. The guys were super energetic and kind of make you want to dance. The other band was Snakadaktal, which were the winners of this year's Triple J Unearthed competition. They are still a very young band and learning. It was nice to see the atmosphere there though. It made me feel relaxed at all times. Next Thursday there will be another free concert at Federation Square.

Ayer paramos en Fed Square para ver un concierto gratuito. Antes del concierto tomamos una cerveza en un bar/cafe llamado Chinotto, por solo $10 super barato! El concierto no fue el mejor...pero era gratis y nos divertimos un poco especialmente con Bleeding Knees Club, una banda medio punk. Los musicos tenia super energia y te daban ganas de bailar. La otra banda que toco fue Snakadaktal, que son los que ganaron el concurso de la Triple J Unearthed el 2011. Son una banda super joven (de la secundaria) y todavia aprendiendo. Me gusto ver que la atmosfera era super sana y me hizo sentir tranquila en todo momento. El proximo Jueves va a ver otro concierto gratis en Fed Square.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Somebody that I used to Know (Gotye)

This is the original video of the song composed by Gotye (Mebourne composer) that was one of the most popular songs of 2011. I wanted to put the original here because last night I saw a cover by Walk of the Earth on youtube and thought it was spectacular, so I wanted to put both of them here to share with all of you.

Este es el video original del tema de Gotye (musico nativo de Melbourne) que fue uno de los temas mas populares del 2011. Quise poner el original para que puedan compararlo con la cover que encontre en youtube hecha por esta banda Walk of the Earth y me parecio espectacular. Quise poner los dos temas juntos para que puedan compararlos. Disfruten.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

French Crepes

Mmmmmm.... French crepes....yummy! After the Gold class movie today in Crown (which is not worth it at all= the Gold class experience that is!) we headed to Fitzroy to a place near Brunswick Street called Breizoz French Creperies. We had wanted to go there for a long time but every time we went it was closed. Today finally we could taste the delicious crepes. We shared two, a savoury one (cheese and ham) and this sweet one with strawberries, mango sorbet, almonds and chocolate. I really enjoyed both of them and they were filling! I liked the place too perhaps because it wasn't very crowded, it is kind of a small so I imagine it wouldn't be very pleasant when it is full. Follow this link if you decide to venture into this little corner to experience something French:

Looking at buildings

We had tickets for a Gold Class movie and decided to use it today at Crown in the middle of the city. We caught the bus and walked along Queen Street towards Southbank. I don't walk in this part of the city too often. It is a bit different from other parts in that it is more business related banks, offices, people in suits and women in high uncomfortable shoes smoking outside the buildings' glass doors. In my walk I noticed some interesting architecture, like this old safe deposit building that looks like a cut out against the modern high raise buildings in the background. It is like it almost doesn't belong and it is being swallowed by the new era. I thought it was really pretty and had intricate designs on the windows.

Teniamos tickets para una funcion en la Clase Dorada de los Village cinemas y decidimos usarlos hoy en el medio de la city. Nos tomamos el colectivo y caminamos por la calle Queen hacia Southbank. No camino muy seguido por esta parte de la ciudad. Es un poco diferente al resto ya que se nota que es un area mas de negocios, bancos y oficinas. Abundan la gente en traje y mujeres en zapatos de tacones incomodos fumando en las puertas de vidrio de los edificios. En mi caminata note arquitectura interesante como este viejo edificio que parace recortado y pegado delante de los otros edificios modernos. Es casi como que no pertece ahi y esta siendo tragado por la nueva era. Para mi era hermoso, lleno de disenos intricados en las ventanas.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Home made pizza

I made home made pizza on Saturday night. I love the way the house smells on home made pizza nights. Anton wasn't home on the night so it was only for us two. We watched a movie and went out for ice-cream afterwards. We were caught in the rain but didn't matter cause it was a hot night!

Pizza dough recipe:

1.2 kg of plain flour
3 sachets of dry yeast
1 tablespoon olive oil
5 teaspoons of salt
warm water


1- In a bowl sift flour and mix in salt.
2- In a cup pour in the dry yeast and add warm water to dissolve, add 1 teaspoon of sugar and mix. Put on stove to keep warm (next to an on burner). When it starts to bubble and raise, pour into the bowl.
3- Mix in the oil with extra warm water and add to the mixture stirring in well with a wooden spoon.
4- Keep adding warm water until all the flour is mixed. The dough should feel soft and moist.
5- Roll into a ball and put into a previously oiled big container (I use a big saucepan). Put a lid on and bring to the stove, again I leave a burner on and place the saucepan nearby to keep warm.
6- Leave there until the dough has doubled or tripled in size.

Friday, January 6, 2012

I felt like a tourist

Today I felt like a tourist walking around Fitzroy Gardens and Federation Square and taking pictures of the beautiful things we found around. We saw an exhibition at ACMI (Australian Centre of the Moving Image) called Screen Worlds, which tells the story of the moving image through a series of interactive displays, screens and collections of items. It was sensational! I urge everyone to go and see it. It is amazing to see how it all changed in so little time. From movement executed by a spindle and handle to today's social networks.
Anton met some friends in the city and we walked to Fitzroy for a coffee and chocolate that promised to be "dulce de leche" but tasted like chocolate.

Hoy me senti un poco como una turista caminando por los Jardines de Fitzroy y Federation Square y sacando fotos de las cosas lindas e historicas que veiamos. Fuimos a una exhibicion en el Centro Australiano de la Imagen en Movimiento llamada Mundos de Pantallas, la cual contaba la historia de la imagen a traves de una serie de displays interactivos, pantallas y colecciones. Estuvo sensasional! Recomiendo que la vayan a ver. Es increible ver como todo cambio tanto en tan poco tiempo. Desde imagenes que se movian al mover una manijita hasta los networks sociales de hoy.
Anton se encontro con unos amigos en la city y nosotros caminamos hasta Fitzroy por un cafe y un bombon que prometia ser de dulce de leche pero tenia gusto a chocolate.

Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows

Last night we went to the Palace Cinemas in Balwyn to see the new Sherlock Holmes movie. I don't fancy myself as a very insightful movie critic. I know that I like movies or dislike them for reasons that make sense to me. Sometimes though it is nice to know what somebody else thinks of a movie before paying the ridiculous expensive movie ticket price to go and see something worth the bucks.
The new Sherlock Holmes movie it's not very different from its predecessor, it is perhaps a little more incongruous with what one would expect, particularly about things that are done over the top and only serve to remind us that we are watching a Hollywood movie.
Robert Downy Jr. has really made this character his own and I have to admit that he does it well, even though it is hard to relate it to the original Arthur Conan Doyle's character.
The absence of a good female character is clearly noted as it is the overuse of the "how Sherlock can predict what will happen based on his calculations" effect.
I enjoyed the movie because it is fun, fast paced and entertaining. If you see it don't expect an improvement from the previous one or even a more cerebral script.
I do love the Palace Cinemas though. Old fashion, kind of quiet and close to home.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Una charla con mi abuelo. A talk with Grandad.

Today the weather in Melbourne was just perfect. After a few days of intolerable heat we were blessed with a 24 degrees day and sea breezes. I had a very productive and special holiday day.
In the morning I had a chat with my recently turned 90 years old grandfather using Skype. I was so happy! It has been years since I can talk to him because he has lost most of his hearing and our phone communication has obviously been hindered by this. I used to call and scream to the top of my lungs, so much so that my son would wake up scared not knowing why I was screaming so much! I have given up for years and had to be content with my mum mediating my hellos and happy birthdays. Today she was there to mediate too, but after the initial shock I think he finally understood or at least accepted that I was not really a photo on the screen or an old video. I was actually talking to him "live". He still couldn't hear me very well, but my mum translated and he could answer my questions. He really came alive when he started telling me again about his ox steering job after he came back from the army to Spain. He must have told me that story about 100 times, but I listen to it with joy knowing that it must mean something very important to him. I love my grandad. He looked older and not all there, but he is 90 years old and he was still snacking on Spanish chorizo. Thank you mum for helping me make this possible and thank you technology for letting me talk to him today after such a long time.

Hoy el tiempo en Melbourne fue simplemente perfecto. Despues de unos dias de calor intolerable fuimos bendecidos con 24 grados y brisas del mar. Tuve un dia muy productivo y especial.
Por la manana tuve una charla con mi abuelo, quien recientemente cumplio 90 anos a traves de Skype. Me puso tan contenta! Hace anos que no puedo hablar con el porque ha perdido la mayoria de su audicion y nuestra comunicacion ha sido obviamente afectada for esto. Yo solia llamar y gritar a todo lo que da, tanto que mi hijo se despertaba aterrorizado no sabiendo porque yo gritaba tanto. Hasta que me di por vencida y por anos mi mama fue la mediadora de saludos y feliz cumpleanos. Hoy mi mama estaba ahi para mediar tambien pero despues del shock inicial creo que mi abuelo se dio cuenta o al menos acepto que yo no era una foto en la pantalla o una pelicula vieja, sino que estaba ahi hablando con el en vivo. Igual no me escuchaba bien, pero mi mama le traducia y el pudo contestarme algunas preguntas o comentarios. El realmente se entusiasmo cuanto me empezo a contar otra vez sobre su trabajo llevando la junta de bueyes cargada al mango con madera al mercado cuando volvio a Espana despues de la conscripcion en Africa. Me habra contando esa histora como 100 veces, pero yo igual la escucho con alegria sabiendo que debe significar algo importante para el. Amo a mi abuelo. Lo vi mas viejito y no del todo ahi, pero tiene 90 anos y estaba merendando rodajas de chorizo espanol. Gracias ma, por haber hecho esto posible y gracias technologia por dejarme hablar con el hoy otra vez, despues de tanto tiempo.

After this beautiful morning I was happy all day, and I did some work and later I went with my family for a nice coffee to Camberwell and from there I walked to the city with Ric for the first time in 2012. It was such a great day for it. I enjoyed every minute of it.

Despues de esta manana hermosa quede feliz para todo el dia, despues trabaje un rato y a la tarde nos fuimos a tomar un cafe a Camberwell y de ahi Ricky y yo nos fuimos caminando a la city por primera vez en el 2012. Fue un dia perfecto para hacerlo y lo disfrute mucho.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Welcome 2012

Finally 2011 is behind us, with all its good and bad. It has closed its doors to open 2012 gates. We walked through them with a sense of hope and high expectations for a great year. For me 2011 was a very difficult year but a rewarding one, with a healed hip and a new career. 2012 will be a challenging one, but I am looking forward to the opportunities and hard work that is ahead of me. I am hoping to enjoy my first class and the new school and I hope 2011 will also bring a healthier me (both physically and mentally= less stressed) and a more family oriented one. I hope 2012 brings everything you all desire.

Finalmente 2011 esta detras nuestro, con todo lo bueno y lo malo. Ha cerrado las puertas para abrir los portones del 2012. Caminamos por ellos con esperanzas y altas expectativas para un buen ano. Para mi 2011 fue un ano muy dificil pero uno con mucha gratificacion personal, con una cadera curada y una carrera nueva por delante. El 2012 tambien sera dificil, pero estoy ansiosa de aprovechar las oportunidades y el trabajo fuerte que esta por delante. Espero disfrutar de mi primer clase y de la nueva escuela y espero que el 2012 sea mas saludable para mi y que pueda disfrutar mas tiempo con mi familia. Espero que este ano les traiga todo lo que ustedes desean tambien.