Creanlo o no hoy vi un delfin y no tuve que irme a Sea World para ello. Paso aqui, en Port Melbourne. Fuimos en bici y paramos aca antes de pegar la vuelta. Mientras sacaba esta foto escucho que una mujer le dice a su pareja..."hay un delfin en el agua". Asique medio esceptica mire mas a fondo y pronto lo veo salir a tomar aire y zambullirse otra vez. Lo vi dos o tres veces (debo decir los vi eran dos). No lo podia creer! Pienso que fue la forma de la naturaleza de decirme que todo va a estar bien. Que cosas lindas pueden seguir pasando aunque tenga que volver al trabajo. Solo un dia mas de libertad.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Dolphins at Port Melbourne
Believe it or not I saw a dolphin today and didn't have to go to Sea World for it. It happened here, at Port Melbourne. I was riding my bike and stopped here as my final destination before turning back. As I took this photo, a woman was telling her husband "there is a dolphin in the water". So I looked a little closer and soon enough I see it coming out and diving again. I couldn't believe it! I think it was nature's way to tell me that everything will be alright. That good things will continue to happen, despite having to go back to work. Only one more day of freedom.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Good Friday Walk
On the cold Good Friday we struggled to find an open coffee shop, but we managed to get a cappuccino in on Bourke Road, Camberwell. It was quite deserted, but the coffee shop was quite full. After the coffee Anton came home skateboarding and Ric and I went for a walk along Riversdale Road. Half an hour into the walk I turned around and came back, he kept going all the way to the city. Back at home I went to my friend's gym to continue the workout. My hip is better and my legs are getting stronger, but I am still feeling discomfort particularly after sitting for a long time. I am, however, so happy that I am able to walk for 1 hour and to ride my bike.
En el frio viernes santo nos costo encontrar algo abierto, pero por suerte encontramos donde tomar un cappuccino en C amberwell. Esta todo desierto, pero el cafe esta lleno. Anton se volvio a casa en el skate y Ric y yo caminamos una hora por la calle Riversdale. A la media hora de caminar, yo pegue la vuelta y Ric siguio hasta la city. De ahi me fui al gym de mi amiga para seguir el workout. Mi cadera esta mejor y mis piernas se estan poniendo fuerte, pero todavia siento una molestia particularmente despues de estar sentada por un rato. Igual, estoy mas que contenta de poder caminar por una hora y de poder andar en bici.
Family Thursday
Finally had some time to catch up with family. Andrea and Luca came over last Thursday after months of not seeing each other. We live so close and yet our lives are so entangled and busy that we hardly have time to meet. I know this is mostly my fault, because I am the busiest of them all, but I am hoping that this year will be the last like this. Between work, uni, practical experience and tutoring I barely have time to spend with my immediate family. I keep thinking that it is all for a good purpose and that it will be over soon.
Finalmente tuvimos tiempo para vernos con la familia. Andrea y Luca vinieron a visitarnos el Jueves pasado despues de meses de no vernos. Vivimos tan cerca y asi y todo nuestras vidas estan tan enredadas y llenas de cosas para hacer que raramente tenemos tiempo de vernos. Yo se que mayormente es mi culpa, porque yo soy la que menos tiempo tiene, pero tengo la esperanza de que este sera el ultimo ano asi. Entre el trabajo, la facultad, los practicos y las clases de particular apenas tengo tiempo para ver a mi familia inmediata. Me digo a mi misma que el sacrificio es por un buen proposito y que pronto se terminara.
Anyway, we had a good afternoon and night, doing a bit of both worlds: going out for a drink and a stroll and having a nice dinner together. Dr Zalewski made an appearance and attempted to vaccinate Luca against the cat flu. Jokes aside this was the first time I saw Anton dressed with his lab coat and goggles. It was quite funny. I insist that his lab coat must be washed but Anton disagrees as he says it is continuously getting stained with chemicals....what an excuse.
De todas maneras, la pasamos bien. A la tarde salimos un poco a tomar algo y a caminar y a la noche cenamos juntos. El Dr Zalewski hizo una visita e intento vacunar a Luca contra la gripe felina. Bromas de lado esta es la primera vez que vi a Anton con su guardapolvo de laboratorio y con los anteojos. Fue re gracioso. Insisti que ese guardapolvo necesita un lavado pero Anton no esta de acuerdo diciendo que para que si continuamente se mancha con productos quimicos...que escusa bol....
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Tuesday in the city
I love the city of Melbourne. It has everything and still remains clean, safe and livable. The most recent smartest addition is this new form of public transport: bicycles. You can pay $2.50 a day, or $50 a year and use it as much as you need it as long as the trip is not longer than 30 minutes. When you are done with it you return it to any station around the city. Isn't it amazing! I feel so proud of living here, every little thing like this that I find reassures me that this is a good place to be and to grow old.
Me encanta la ciudad de Melbourne. Tiene de todo y aun permanece limpia, segura y vivible. La mas reciente adicion que encontre son estas bicicletas como nueva forma de transporte publico para viajes cortos. Pagas $2.50 por dia o $50 al ano y podes usar una bici hasta que no la necesites mas siempre y cuando los viajes no duren mas de media hora. Cuando terminas de usarla la podes devolver en cualquiera de estas estaciones en cualquier parte de la ciudad. No es increible? Me siento tan orgullosa de vivir aca. Coda cosita asi que descubro me reafirma que este es un buen lugar para estar y para envejecer.
On Tuesday afternoon, Ric and I, went to the city and ended up seeing an Arts exhibition from VCE students (students in the last year of highschool). We went in because we couldn't find anything better but, were pleasantly surprised at the high standard of the work. We spend quite a bit of time enjoying most pieces. There were photographs, paintings, drawings and mixed media. It was truly amazing the quality of these works produced by such young minds. Indeed there is talent out there! The exhibition will be on for a while if you want to check it out at the Ian Potter Gallery in Ferderation Square, its free admission.
El martes por la tarde nos fuimos con Ricky a la city y terminamos metiendonos en una exhibicion de alumnos del VCE (ultimo ano de la secundaria). Pensamos que iba a ser una pavada pero termino sorprendiendonos la calidad y el estandard de los trabajos. Habia fotografia, pintura, dibujos y otro tipo de media plastica. Me sorprendio la calidad de los trabajos producidos por chicos tan jovenes. La verdad que hay mucho talento! La exhibicion todavia sigue abierta, en la galeria Ian Potter en Federation Square, y es gratis.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Bush walking it in Lorne
Today we went to Lorne. It was of course a different type of trip, since the weather is not beach weather anymore. From the inside of the car it looked like Summer though. Everything outside looked so green and luscious, there was no sign anywhere that it was Autumn. The sun warmed my skin through the window as I drove on the Great Ocean Road and devoured the scenery with all my senses, enjoying every metre of traveled road.
In Lorne we did the typical walk, ate, drank but, we also added a bit of a bushwalk. Climbing the steep hill from the beach we reach Teddy's Lookout. I can't believe I managed to get up there, every inch of my body was aching and my legs begged me to stop. I had to stop 4 or 5 times to catch my breath and be careful not to fall backwards as sustaining the angle required to stay straight needed concentration, determination and strength.
Once up there the view was phenomenal and worth the patch of sweat on my back. The bush walk was fun and I took lots of photos of rusted coloured trees that had been back burnt, against fresh green foliage.
More coffee and chips signaled the end of the day (way too early now that day light savings is over).
Bike ride
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Worst Day for a Stroll in the City
I have to say that I give myself a pad on the back for venturing into the city by bus and talking a walk back to Fitzroy under the drizzle and patches of rain this afternoon. Let's say that it wasn't the best day for a long walk nor for photography, however a little rain makes the scenery different and I noticed things I would not have otherwise.
Ric and I took the 905 into the city. It is an awesome bus, stops right at the end of our street and 3 min later is in the freeway, it takes 15 min to get to the city and you are free of parking problems and traffic nerves. We got off at Swanston St and from there walked back to Brunswick St. in Fitzroy. I bought a pair of boots that I wanted and then we had a late lunch of pintxos and beer. Yummy! I really love the look of this pub. Every detail of the decor is taken care of to perfection. There is so much to look at and the ambience is great. The decor is copper/glass/old tanks look. Even the restrooms are a work of art.
Debo darme una palmadita en la espalda por aventurarme hacia la city en colectivo y caminar de vuelta hasta Fitzroy debajo de la llovizna y parches de lluvia esta tarde. Digamos que no fue el mejor dia para una caminata larga o para fotografia, sin embargo un poquito de lluvia tranforma la escena y uno termina notando cosas que no notaria de otra manera.
Ric y yo nos tomamos el 905 a la city. Es un colectivo fantastico, para en la esquina de casa y en 3 minutos esta en la autopista, tarde 15 min en total para llegar al centro y una vez ahi, te olvidas del trafico y de la preocupacion de estacionar. Nos bajamos en Swanston St. y caminamos hasta Brunswick St. in Fitroy. Me compre un par de borcegos que queria hace rato y despues nos metimos a Naked for Satan a comer un almuerzo tardio de pinxtos y cerveza. Delicioso! Me encanta este pub. Todos los detalles de la decoracion estan cuidados al detalle, tiene una onda cobre/vidrio/tanques viejos y hasta los banos tienen toda la onda.
Nice Bargain
Last Sunday we went out with Anton. We haven't been able to do it for a while whilst he was working at the cafe, but now that he quit that job and got himself a better one, we can enjoy a little family out time together again. Even they are short and in lesser frequency they are very valuable.
We had a nice coffee and cake and I went to the bookstore in search of a children's book that I couldn't find. Instead I took advantage of the sale in Borders and got myself 3 picture story books for my shelves. Now that I am so close to being a teacher I feel I should start investing in some material.
I really love Colin's Thompson book. It has a nice message about the environment and it really made me think. The illustrations are amazing.
El domingo pasado fuimos a pasear con Anton. Hacia mucho que no podiamos los domingos, porque el trabajaba, pero ahora que dejo ese laburo del cafe y se consiguio otro mejor durante la semana, podemos disfrutar de una salidita juntos en familia otra vez. Aunque sean cortas y cada vez mas esporadicas son muy valiosas.
Tomamos una rica merienda y despues fui a la libreria a ver si conseguia un libro que necesito leer para la facultad, pero no lo encontre. Igual aproveche las ofertas de Borders y me compre 3 libros infantiles para mi estanteria. Ahora que estoy tan cerca de ser una maestra siento que tengo que empezar a invertir en material.
Me gusto mucho el de Colin Thompson. Tiene un mensaje sobre el medio ambiente y realmente me hizo pensar. Las ilustraciones son increibles.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Sunday in black and white
A visit to Fitzroy this afternoon inspired me to take some black and white images. I realise that the occasion must present itself, since forcing artistic photography is only seldom productive. I enjoyed walking in the bookstore there and buying the collected fictions of Jorge Luis Borges in English. I hope that I can find some time to read these.
We also visited the Rose St. Market in Fitzroy and I bough a camera charm pendant, it fits like a glove.
Un paseo por Fitzroy esta tarde me inspiro a sacar algunas imagenes en blanco y negro. Me di cuenta que la ocasion debe presentarse por si misma, porque forzar la fotografia artistica raramente da resultados productivos. Disfrute entrar a la libreria y comprar las coleccion completa de ficciones de Jorge Luis Borges en ingles. Espero encontrar algo de tiempo para leerlas.
Tambien fuimos a la feria de Rose Street en Fitzroy y compre una cadenita con un pendiente de una camara que me encaja como un guante.
Thursday Night Escapee
Just to break the monotony Thursday night Ric and I decided to take the bus and land in the city for our daily walk. We took the bus and got there at about 7.15 pm, it only took us 15 minutes from home. It was like landing on another world, full of people walking, eating and shopping. In the suburbs is like everyone is tucked in at 7 and the day is over.
We didn't walk long and found an amazing lane full of restaurants and cafes and there was a live jazz band playing, Harware Lane is the name. It was awesome! We chose a table, sat and had a cappuccino whilst we listen to the band.
The walk back towards home was done in amongst all the city lights until we caught the bus back, some 3/4 hr later.
Para romper la monotonia el jueves a la noche decidimos tomarnos el colectivo con Ricky y aterrizar en la city para hacer nuestra caminata diaria. Tomamos el bus y llegamos a la city a las 7.15, nos tomo solo 15minutos desde casa. Fue como bajar en otro mundo, lleno de gente caminando, comiendo y comprando. En los suburbios es como que todo el mundo se encierra a las 7 y el dia se acaba!
No caminamos mucho para encontrar una calle alucinante llena de restaurants y cafes. Habia una banda de jazz en el medio de la calle tocando. Harware Lane es el nombre de la callecita esta. Me encanto. Elegimos una mesa y nos sentamos a tomar un cappuccino mientras escuchamos a la banda.
La caminata hacia casa fue hecha entre las luces de los edificios hasta que tomamos el colectivo de vuelta 3/4 de hora mas tarde.
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