Today we went out to celebrate Australia Day the Australian way, with a cold beer. We went to a really cool pub in Fitzroy called "Naked for Satan" which is not what you are all thinking. There's actually a really good myth behind it.
We also ate lunch there, which is really cute, a variety of different toppings on bread (tortilla, baked vegetables, cold meats, cheeses, eggplant and more). Some shops were open so we bought a children's book called Lost and Found by Oliver Jeffers, a favourite illustrator of Ric's. I loved this bookshop, The Brunswick Street Bookstore, it had a really interesting selections of books. Will visit again with more money. We also bought "monk pear"tea at the T2 tea shop. I tried it for the first time at my friend Luke's house and it is delicious.
Now it's time for dinner and then Andrea, Luca and Alan are coming over.
Hoy celebramos el cumpleanos de Australia, en forma Australiana, con una cerveza fria. Fuimos a un pub copadisimo en Fitzroy llamado "Desnudo por Satan" que no es lo que estan pesando. Tiene un muy buen mito detras.
Tambien almorzamos ahi algo buenisismo, unos pancitos con variedad de cosas arriba (tortilla, vegetales asados, fiambres, quesos, berengena y mas). Algunos negocios estaban abiertos asique compramos un libro para chicos llamado "Perido y Encontrado" de Oliver Jeffers, un ilustrador favorito de Ricky. Me encanto esta libreria, The Brunswick Street Bookstore", tenia una seleccion de libros excelente asique volvere con mas plata. Tambien compramos te de pera monk en el T2 negocio de tes. Lo probe por primera vez en la casa de mi amigo Luke y me encanto. Ahora es hora de hacer la comida y despues recibir a las visitas Andrea, Luca y Alan.