Sunday, May 30, 2010


Well this weekend wasn't the best. Plans of getting away to Lorne were crushed due to yukky weather so Saturday was kind of slow paced, which was welcomed in a way, doing some prunning and cleaning. Later going to buy some indoor plants and looking at beautiful flowers and plants. At night we watched the movie "The Losers" and it was just that. Bad. I felt asleep and all and spent all movie trying to work out whether one of the actors was the Mac guy or not. He wasn't.
Today I took some shots of Anton and Ric longboarding in our block for a competition. If Anton wins he will get another longboard as a prize. Fingers crossed. My son has some weird hobbies, I love it cause he is quite individualistic and has a strong personality. Ric worries me on the board...but he also looked cool today.

Bueno este fin de semana no fue el mejor. Los planes de escaparnos a Lorne fueron aplastados por culpa del tiempo. Sabado fue lento, bastante bienvenida esa lentitud en contraste con las semanas pasadas. HIcimos un poco de jardin y mas tarde fuimos a comprar unas plantas a un vivero precioso. A la noche miramos "The Losers", un desastre. Mala. Me dormi y todo y me pase toda la pelicula tratando de identificar si uno de los actores era el chabon de las propagandas de Mac. No era. Hoy saque fotos de Anton y Ric andando en longboards en nuestra cuadra para una competencia. Si Anton gana se ganara otro longboard de premio. Cruzamos los ojos. My hijo tiene hobbies raros. Me gusta porque el es bastante individualista y tiene una personalidad fuerte. Ric me preocupa un poquito en el board...pero hoy estaba muy cool tambien.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Drink for the brain?

It seemed impossible...four assignments in 3 weeks. Then there were 3 in 2 weeks. Now there's only the editting left and a big, BIG, BIG sigh of relief. I have even outdone myself and finish 5 days before the due date. I have learnt a lot during these weeks and I wish that the so awaited rest finds me healthy and pain free (for the most part) to enjoy it. Lots of plans are brewing for the Winter holidays. Now it's time to LIVE. I am going to feel the freedom climbing like a vine through my body. It is a nice feeling when you accomplished something and you can reflect on the value of the experience.

Parecia imposible...4 ensayos en 3 semanas. Despues eran 3 en dos semanas y ahora solo queda el proceso de edicion y un gran, GRAN, GRAN suspiro de alivio. No solo termine a tiempo sino que me supere a mi misma terminando con 5 dias de anticipacion. Durante estas semanas he aprendido muchas cosas y ahora solo deseo que el tan ansiado descanso me encuentre saludable y sin dolor (mayormente) para disfrutarlo. Muchos planes se estan cocinando para las vacaciones de Invierno. Ahora es tiempo de VIVIR. Voy a sentir la libertad trepandose como una enredadera por mi cuerpo. Es muy lindo lo que se siente cuando uno logra algo y puede reflejar en el valor de la experiencia.

It's almost time to celebrate

Tomandome un descanso y dejando el encierro de semanas para despejar el cerebro.
Leaving the house and taking a break...even a short one is so important to let the brain breath.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Robertson Youth Orchestra

Last night we attended the Robertson Youth Orchestra where my son plays first violin. It was held at the Ivanhoe Grammar Girls Performing Centre and other orchestras played as well.
It was very impressive as they were the last ones to play and the best. It was a weird experience when they came in, they all looked so mature and professional. They music was beautiful and the orchestra sounded solid. Being a Symphony Orchestra, in contrast with a string one, where Anton used to play before, the sound gives the feeling of "full". Violins and violas, combined with flutes, clarinets, trumpets, saxophones, oboe, piano and drums, sound sweeter. The Orchestra played "I still call Australia home" with the children's choir to conclude the show. It was really emotive to hear that song. It made me think of when I was in Argentina and I missed my home here. Great show, I am proud of my son. He looked awesome in that attire.

Anoche fuimos a ver a la Robertson Youth Orchestra donde Anton ahora toca primer violin. Otras orquestas tocaron tambien, pero fue impresionante cuando Robertson emepezo a tocar porque en comparacion con las otras orquestas, fue la mas madura y la que mejor sono. En comparacion con la orquesta de cuerdas donde Anton tocaba antes, esta al ser sinfonica suena mucho mas "llena". Los violines acompanados por otros intrumentos como flautas, clarinetes, trompetas, saxofones, oboe, piano y bateria, suenan mas dulces. La orquesta toco "Todavia llamo Australia mi hogar" acompanado del coro de chicos. Fue muy emocionante, me hizo acordar cuando estaba en Argentina y extranaba mi hogar aca. Fantastico show, estoy orgullosa de mi hijo. Le quedaba re bien esa ropa, muy maduro y profesional fue el look.

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Mother's Day

Hoy fue el Dia de la Madre en Australia. Para celebrar, mi hijito me preparo un desayuno riquisimo y me dio una hermosa tarjeta y dos regalitos: una cadenita de plata hermosa y un gorrito de lana Rusty. Despues de banarme y de terminar uno de mis trabajos para la facultad me llevaron a pasear y a buscar dos regalitos mas: un pendiente para la cadenita y una cartera re linda que mi marido me compro ayer y no pudo traerla en la bicicleta!!! Despues me llevaron a Koko Black a tomar un cafe que vino con este plato delicioso de tortitas, chocolates y helado de dulce de leche..que rico!!! Despues mi marido me cocino una cena deliciosa de salmon sobre un colchon de ensalda. No se como hace para inventar ensaladas tan ricas y para condimentar tanto tan delicioso! Gracias por un dia re lindo y por bancarme tanto cuando estoy nerviosa. Amo tanto a mi familia!!!

Today it was Mother's Day. My family gave me a wonderful day full of presents and surprises. My son made me breakfast and wrote me a beautiful card. Then they took me to buy more presents and we had a delicious coffee and cakes at Koko Black. The service there was very slow, but it was worth the wait. The coffee was nice and sprinkled with real chocolate, and the cakes were filling and yummy. I enjoy the dulce de leche icecream a lot! To conclude Ric cooked a delicious salmon dinner with lots of spices and a wonderful salad. I don't want this day to end. It is so special to be a Mum of such a wonderful boy. I wish that time would go slower so that I can enjoy days like this for much longer. Oh well, I have next year's to look forward to.Thank you family for being so special and for putting up with me and my stress. I love you!

El barrio

This is the new neighbourhood. It is a really beautiful road, especially in Autumn because the trees change its leaves to red and orange and make the road look so warm and colourful.
Our house has a picket fence and we really like it. In the backyard it has a big lemon tree that makes me think of my beloved grandma. I miss her so much!

Este es el nuevo barrio. Es una calle hermosa, especialmente en Otono porque los arboles cambian las hojas a rojas y naranjas y hacen que la calle se vea tan calida y colorida.

Nuestra casa es la de la cerca de madera clarita y me re gusta. En el fondo tiene un arbol enorme de limon           que me hace pensar en mi adorada abuelita. La extrano tanto!


Me pase todo el Sabado planeando mi unidad de Ciencia para la facultad...que hartazgo!!! Entiendo la necesidad de la universidad de entrenarme profesionalmente y ensenarme a hacer las cosas como corresponden, pero en la vida real, nadie dispone de tanto tiempo para planear una serie de lecciones y yo se con certeza que nadie lo hace y me da tanta bronca.
Creo que yo no aprendi demasiado sombre Ciencia porque me costo mucho hacer lecciones donde los chicos aprendan conceptos y procedimentos acuerdo cuando tuve la materia "Metodologia de la investigacion aplicada" en la UNLZ y Dios!!! no entendia nada!!!! Gaby y yo tratabamos de estudiar para el parcial y lo que leiamos no nos entraba asique decidimos llamar a nuestros amigos que estaban estudiando en la casa de Martin, donde su mama los ayudaba porque ella entendia del tema....nos explico como llegar, teniamos que tomar el colectivo hasta Lanus, despues el tren hasta Burzaco y caminar unas cuadras....
Como andabamos con poco tiempo nos subimos al tren y leiamos sin mirar donde golpe el tren llego a una estacion lejisimos y nos dimos cuenta que estabamos en cualquier lado asique nos bajamos y volvimos a llamar a Martin por telefono. Que habia pasado? en vez de tomar el tren que iba a Ezeiza (que era el que pasaba por la estacion de Burzaco) tomamos el que iba Monte Grande....asique tuvimos que volver a tomar el tren para atras, tomar el tren correcto y para cuando llegamos a la casa de Martin era la hora de ir al  examen, asique ni entramos a la casa nos subimos directamente al auto y fuimos a la facultad sin saber nada para el examen!!! Nos pasamos toda la tarde en transporte publico...ja ja
Manana es el dia de la madre y espero despues de estudiar un rato mas a la manana, poder disfrutar de la tarde haciendo algo lindo con mi hijito y mi marido. Yo creo que soy la mama mas afortunada del mundo de tener un hijito como Anton. I love you so much hijo.

Today I spent the day planning a unit on Chemical and Physical changes for my Science unit at Uni. Not my favourite thing to plan I discovered. It's hard cause I don't think I learnt a lot of science growing up so I don't have the knowledge that I need or any memories of cool science lessons to draw upon. I remember doing a subject at Uni in Argentina called "Methodolgy of the applied sciences" and I did not get it at all. My friend Gaby and I were studying together for an exam and did not understand what we were reading, so we decided to call a friend and go to his house, as his mother who was quite smart, could help us understand. So he explained to us how to get there (a combination of buses and trains). We got on the train and continued reading to use every minute that we had left before the test...after a long while of being on the train we started to suspect that something was wrong cause this station never we got off the train and rang my friend again (we didn't have mobile phones then). Laughing he said "you idiot you caught the wrong train!" so we had to catch the train in the opposite direction, get off at the same station we got on in the first place, wait for the right train and by the time we got to his house it was so late that we didn't even go in, we just jump on his car and went to uni....I don't remember what the results were of that test, but I have a suspicion that we did not pass!

Tomorrow is Mother's Day and I will celebrate cause I am the luckiest mum of all, I have the best son in the universe.
Anyway...too much studying and not too much fun today...we started watching an old Sci Fi series that we used to watch years ago called Space above and beyond. Pretty cool despite the 90s obvious looks.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Too much to say too little time

Too sleepy to post now, will leave it for during the week when I will probably be more sleepy and heaps more tired. Tomorrow is hospital appointment for my hip. I won't lie I feel a bit uneasy about it, but I'm sure something positive will come out of it.
This weekend: Zombie Walk, Bike ride, Iron Man 2 and more.